Show FROST 5 DUE TOMORROW E YOU PREPARED telephone to your newspaper today for tomorrows weather predictions the eastern utah telephone co will install a phone you do the rest dont gamble better drop a card today and have a representative call and tell you how little it costs to have a telephone in your home western VesI cm Elo cAlik telephones iu arntee you best service 1 4 V C courtesy 0 U 3 r wn S y oua quality fity prompt and careful service fal these features have built bull t up 1 our big meat trade we want you to have what you want of course the price is as low lov as can cin be made lr r one of our juicy tender roasts or a i delici delicious ite steak ak FRESH vegetables AND CANNED GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK carbon county commission co coo PHONE 15 aj e J jt AA S sheriffs sale in the district court of he seventh judicial district in and for the coun ty of at carbon state of utah first firt hank lank iff if a t orp britlon PI fad ij wilt wat ro ni it daf fl lobai if b old at sheriffs s aale al on flioy tl ettli da 4 1 may ma 1910 at 2 W X oc loil 1 I it at the tile front door of the tile county count court dollso jo it in carbon county ut otili 1119 the tile following described rial arty rt situated ht anil and being in carbon county Utah to wit all the ind title of fred L in ill tho following reir clr site joett ti in ili what hat 14 1 known as is willow creel carbon count Cof flit utah and more dewri bed as ag follows canal locadd in township 11 and slid 12 odith it ringe inge 10 ea oat eat t salt lake lako hae and and the fol following losing r filings as designated in ili state tato et ginders onice bait in cit utah rs at aloi alot certain right of way hay ovar public land to aiu cash W v x henry sheriff ilya lly J J p rich ach deputy sheriff I 1 rt pub april 28 last may tay 19 1910 1910 Aler merchants chantS coupon books the newa has laid in a supply of merchants coupon books both in lit 5 15 anil and 10 denominations no use sending beading away for these books here after if ter oil location notices notices for sile 9 deat at the news office CARBON COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY J W V hammond lU prop real estate I 1 burance and bonds abstracts of title prepared for lands and lots money aloney to loan on choice farms lands at 8 per cent notary public phone heinz anything on us when it corned comes to variety only line is birn furniture iture adv I 1 parties desiring cut flowers or potted flints can bo be supplied by the F 1 grand floral company of grand girand juric tion leavo leave orders with S L williams at D R G ticket of fice flee 47 t good seed wh t at the farmers exchange and implement co adro ad vi 60 t lip R LIDEN T afa IV PIP X A ra HIS BALA PICE groff the man who has never had a bank account has one great pleasure in life yet left to him STARTING one banking money and seeing the balance GROW big ger and bigger month by month is a continuous joy As his bank balance GROWS a man takes more interest in his work or his ills business busine tm and earns more and gains self respect and the CONFIDE confidence 0 16 his firm and of himself make OUR bank YOUR bank we bay aar A L per cr cent interest on time Dc deposits posits first national bank of price I 1 I 1 deerin er 7 n see machinery ai so ach the well known line is the beat BL st g call and see the latest improvements on our i Z deering mowers atis just st 0 out u t this season and I 1 made especially fo for r this te territory r r atory it will please you sold byi aarm W Farmers 1 I ers 9 Ex exchange chande J imp co P price dilce 0 utah P phone 1 0 n e I 1 you cant do it you can t raise a good crop unless you plant good seeds we have the best in minneapolis and nd seeds the kinds that have been tested flower garden and field seeds I 1 TESTED FIELD CORN COM seed potatoes Potato esq the best to be had in any auza quantity stock growers and far banners iners store where everybody goes fc phone U L i baji fa ji |