Show GOOD AS FORAGE CROP growing of field pea of special interest to farmer I matic requirement of plant limit it successful production as aum bep mep crop to northern state and canada dy 11 N the field pea Is an annual plant with blender sterna two to four feet high which stands erect only where there are other plants to which they can cling the plants seldom have fruiting branch of field pea vine showing of stem and leaf and succession of bloom and pod more than three stalks and very often only one or two the herbage Is pale green with n whitish bloom on the surface each leaf bears usually two or three pairs of leaflets and Is terminated by a blender branched ten arll the hanging pods are about three inches long each containing five to nine nearly round seeds the garden pea Is cultivated concave plates with all but four teeth removed adjusted for threshing field peas as a arpen vegetable or grain crop for human food the field pea Is grown for bayor for grain to feed to animals A cool growing season Is essential tor the field pea high temperatures are much more injurious than frost which are disastrous to the crop only when they occur just at the period when the pods are setting these ell matic requirements of the add pea limit its production as a summer croy to jhb northern states and canada and tu high altitudes in the mountains of our saitee it may however be grown with profet as a winter crop in the southern states itai moisture requirements ae less im than those of temperature but other things being equal it does basi where the rainfall Is fairl abundant A 15 inch rainfall in western canada is sufficient to produce s crop while 20 inches of rain in kaneas nebraska or colorado Is inadequate it Is common practice in some localities to harvest the by pa turing with gioga or this la done largely in colorado than tn any other part t the united states there la PO doubt however that tho crop bo fully as well utilized this way in other western states in localities which aro near large sheep ranges when intended or turo the field pea Is eown aguno 01 alth but luttio grain as it Is not ceBary ne in such cases that it bo supported by some more erect growing crop animals pasturing on field peas should be confined to one portion ot tho field by means of movable fences or else a herder should bo employed for this purpose if or hogs are allowed to roam about over the entire field they waste a great deal of tho crop by wandering around aimlessly as soon as their hunger has been satisfied tho animals should not be turned into the field until tho coed becomes hard lambs will fataba on field pea pasture in from 70 to 90 days and a good crop will usually fatten from 10 to 15 lambs per acre each anibal galling about night pounds a month |