Show UTAH state NEW summit iron county la Is preparing pre to install a municipal water batem the Bait bamberger iberger hue liue N will III build a it new station at kays illie in the near future tho the annual co convention mention of the inter mountain good ids association will be a held hold in ogden june IS 13 and 14 cache county this year lear has an as hessed valuation of according to the report ol 01 thi tbt county asses sor elaborate preparations are being bing nude mide to receive the visitor to tho the meeting of the utah elks state association at park city on june 5 6 ind 6 hartley bartley connolly about 35 years of ae age was aas instantly killed in la tho the nebo marble qu quarry irry near thistle by a rock falling on his head and fracturing the skull k to avoid striking a child who was as playing la in the street william peter son of salt lake ran his motorcycle into a street car and waa was fatally injured the supreme court haa has held beld that C W shores appointed chief of police of 0 salt lake is not eligible to bold hold that office being a resident ot of denver and not a qualified elector of salt aake the rangers of the ashley national forest report that predatory seem to be on the increase standing the trapping and pot poisoning s aning campaign of the department an and of 0 the citizens A representative of the bureau ot of en tom who has been in the uinta basin reports that he finds that sec tian reasonably tree free from insect peels posts no trace of weevil has yet been found in the uinta basin in an explosion in the daly judge mine at park city cyrus stanley aged 52 62 years a miner waa was instantly killed and tom Dor dervich a compan ion received injuries nj uries which may ren ler ier him totally blind james durk burk the cripple who pl pleaded abed guilty to a ts of c second degree murder the killing of william J maguire in the city jail at ogden was sentenced to serve an indeterminate term hi fit the state prison uinta county is to have a bond election to decide whether the board ol 01 commissioners may thua thus raise the tile sum of 40 for the construction construct lon ot of good roads the resolution fixes june 20 1916 as the date for the bond election prom from injuries sustained near the harrisville brickyard mark peter jen sen aged 10 years died in an ogden the toy boy tell fell beneath a clay car at the comp company anys s and sus bained a crushed hip and internal in juries the oregon short line railroad has recognized the order of railway hallway telegraphers and the operators on the road will be permitted to join the union which will make the fifth ra rail 11 road brotherhood now organized on this road another rafael lopez suspect hai hae been arrested at atlin british colum bla bia by the royal northwest mounted police and Is being held pending in being made by the local officials there and sheriff john S cor less of salt lahe lake county roland seabold and charles we ston each aged 17 years are in the quarters of the ell city jail at ogden charged with having stolen 26 worth of clothing from leland parry of wll wil lard box cider ulder county who bought the outfit for hia his graduation day idellus M 1 I dye who vibo was sentenced to life imprisonment for the burdet ot of joseph 13 dabow os of provo four year yea ri ago will ask to be released from the WE state prison at the meeting of the elate state board of pardons en on may 20 0 since hi his sentence be has maintained his in n As the result of a bazaar held al at salt lake the catholics of st marye cathedral parish raised it Is ed 15 as the nucleus for a fund for parochial school which the lit RL rev josoph jospph S glass C 11 D D bishop of the diocese plans to erect in the near future of suggestion upon an abnor mal mind Is thought to have caused the shooting of calvin C harnish a sou southern the rn pa pacific alfia h helper e alper at og ogden den by joseph a southern pacific foreman beahr st ahr fired five shots at HAM ish one of which took effect shatter ing ln right arm president t joseph P F smith ald mrs julina lamson la m 8 on sm smith th celebrated theli thell colden solden wedding edding anniversary at the dec bee hive ilive house salt lake may 6 with a recep reception tic in which was attended by more than representative citi citizens zent of tta 11 including dignitaries ol 01 church an and d state prominence pi the university of colorado debat ing team upholding the affirmative side of the question resolved that the united states stites d put into operation a literacy test for all european immigration won a two to one df dr casion of the judges in the ann annual ual debate held at boulder mulder colo width the e university ot of utah |