Show scoutmasters TO HELP EACH OTHER the SPOUt scoutmasters masters of carbon coun 1 ty met inet in puce e evening I 1 and formed an association the object ot which ia Is higher standards amun i the scoutmasters and greater social efficiency those who jo ned the tile a association soe ution are dr 11 II B goetzmann deputy scout commissioner ncr A S horsley master and P H 11 assistant of price IV E knox scoutmaster and D E rosser asistin J W hill set soc and S 11 short aalst ant storrs dr goetzmann wis was chosen prem dent lent of the association and walter bindley bandley secretary tary meetings wils ill be held once a month tho the dite to be arranged by the oft officers leers A monthly moni lily assessment of 25 cents pir member wilt will 0 h paid by each member to fur ther the work ork all and assistants asi stants of new titipa sill ii become members as ng soon ns the th me we officially vilh ith national nAtion jl headquist eis the spring encampment will be may lay 29 to june 3 and will be either at beaver oi 01 dead mans cm cin yon scouts will be sent bent oat out in a few dan dais 9 to locate the tile exact 1 |