Show A 5 A get 50 cent cents wc th tb cf of 1 karob aar the labels to t 1 to far aj alu 2 25 sold a laua agn ri is a acsai c ta each cyri HERE hr asies h mceady yc yr eady tc able chance ti rrt 11 1 1 an alu wholesale whole falo price this aluminum al aricio 0 o needs s r rust it beats V over bum the caks cak Is xa ov ain a o in v act r ct and ie le it doesn doean i emoke smoke untie uv tie Li iwi cwi than when hied li ii i i crease A great egense wo are griddle in tha the homes cf all aa ram I 1 spread for griddle cakes and suld fil delicious ir baked cakes that tha can b you knoy knop kno y P karo kam of cou aral I 1 jea ea cans bold sold last year rear alono alone and jan yo f ajl 11 clean and durability of ofal A ifyu if Y ju ire axe a karo X ara user already t t syrup you know bow ilow f how dellous it Is gawith with ariddio col con ineal G gal L S ants rufth cf ef arn foz f oz sand ta labels a and aid id ca cents 2 0 to us and got one cf phoso alaux parcel post remember Rem craber that our out supply Is 0 karo icaro today we will also cf the famous corn prod 14 corn cora products rea ll 11 P PO 0 dot new A rent and genet general 0 receipt books for sab salo at the news office we remove the CAUSE of disease office hours 9 to 12 am I 1 to 5 pip and by appointment phone 84 vina A reardon Rear doll coa daous ails aaion practical NOW experience OFFICE parker weeter block suite 3 F S DUNLEVY DUN LEVY civil and mining engineer kinds cf ct engineering and surveying given prompt 4 county court house price mice utah PRO L IL e X XA S ak A 4 k at christmas time I 1 or as soon after as you can or better kill till RIGHT NOW try giving your wife or child an account in ur bank however SMALL it may be you vill be teaching lesson in SAVING and promote thrift and economy cono money extravagantly spent lessens mhd determination and wakens eakens CHARACTER make OUR bank YOUR bank we pay 4 per cent interest Inter cst on time deposit depo dep alte first national bank of price our business Bu Is growing every day WHY good quality at right prices we now own a large warehouse and are handling idaho flour and oats in car load lots hay and mill stuffs sheep and cattle salt stock growers and farmers store where everybody goes phone 4 or t 1 paul revered revere s ride was a marv marve marvelous elous loua achievement in the day and ago in which it waa made but inventive gellous has do de many speedier methods of communicating with those at a distance tho the speediest and most convenient of these methods is the long distance Te telephone lehone ask us about rates ThelBa the eastern stern utah telephone co 1 rex miller manager heaters lv on and ranges 1 81 wr AVI we W e have a good stock at very reasonable prices F Farmers armer r 9 exchange jui impo imp co price utah CX |