Show start the new year right Q if you ou have been saying nag up tor for a good vatch watch clock or at anything made etite us u at once q 1 we can suit ml your every reclus nl and are save your purie purse Q good thing from tom a liable reliable house an are chaet la in the a end ena take a ao chance chatica 9 avite phone or 01 tele telegraph raph BOYD PARK M MAKER A K F roT 0 F 3 HOT SALT LAKE CITY we pay cash for alfalfa AND OTHER SEEDS mail samples ples and got our best dest blackman ackman BI griffin co banten ME AND WOMEN now Is the time to learn the barber trade bar bers byg to o 0 great demand special rate sow mow open oven days only hort short time required auola furnished and loh paid while leaming learning call or write moler baber school 13 loin lom cerili me bt salt lake uty utah COAL hiawatha its the best it does not slack it does not clinker C S HARRIS everything ta in concrete work PRICE on buildings walks and a 11 kinds of contracts cheerfully modern machinery and methods Me thoda northern norfa ern bar first claw class and up to date courteous and sad fair t to AIL ackerman kerman Ad ford proprietors ABERDEEN the high efficiency COAL COAT government Equi equivalent Talent 2101 va 1 s unequalled for storage will not slack best of steaming Steam lne and heating qualities lej A coal vio al C 0 k e mine mines at kenilworth utah general offices walker bank SALT LAKE CITY white Hum holise u se aft BE Z a r RETAIL AND WHOLESALE the beet best in wines liquors and cigars solo sole agents tor coors chiden beer PEACOCK BROTHERS 1 as proprietors LARS IW of brick of all kinds yard tards adJoIn adjoining Inc the denver anu and rio orande grand railroad company en ca the south three ahr mock east of depot office of flee at home comer corner main ain and sixth 1 Catt mata given and pries quoted on application P 0 box 93 phone phom 41 49 X t F nice UTAH |