Show OUR BOYS NEED NURSES CAN IN YOU GO the government go eminent is calling for ung ft omen to join the united states student nurse atene Rv cere and hold bliem the eles in readiness to train for services sen ices as nurses oab those who have taken the full training course are eligible for sea service vice with our forces overseas and themi nurses arc are being drawn largely largel from our hospitals at home their pi ices must be filled by student nurses en r rolled for the full training course of from two to three spars 5 pars E kiery e ry young wiman iho ho enrolls in the united stites student nurse reserve va a nurse for service service at the front and swelling the tile home army which ve must rel reb on to act as our second line of hospital deseria deso 1 the cill is for women between tho the ages e of 19 ind 35 5 intelligent le te women omen of good rood education ind nd sound heich are wanted anted A col able lege education is a valuable a u asset md and many hospitals will rive give credit for ir it some school lQ 0 on the othe hard hand io not ot even require a full lytge school education women will be riven given an opportunity eunity to enroll in the united states students nuree nure reserve in iny by ure of oliree way ways 1 As eaK aging to bold hold themselves in readiness readi nees until april 1 1910 to accept to nurses trao tra taing schools the romen women will be sent to the e 6 jocis ae ai feet ab u vacancies occar those of superior sup prior will be ciren gren prefer encoyand edep and it is of course possible poa siLle that not everyone who enrolls will be accepted 2 AR A desiring to become candidates for r the army nursing school recently established by authority of the war ar department with branch schools in selected military hospitals 3 3 1 As engaging to hold bold the them in olives in readiness until april i 3 im 1919 to accept assignments to either a civilian training school or the army nursing school choie who enroll will be called where the fust need arises the government hopes fht maici rity of those who enroll will thus put their names for both there are 1579 nurses training schools in n this country the tile enrollment card will indicate two classes of registrants preferred ened and deferred the preferred class will be those who are read to accept assignment to whatever hospital the government govern goern mant directs them although they may state to what training school the may prefer to be sent those who register in the preferred class will be bp assigned first Thede the deferred forred class is composed of those who limit their pledge of service that ism ho will not anage nig rage to go except to e tinn hos pt petals 1 I 8 the terms of training varies from t ive tc c to years ears according acco iding lo 10 the tile of the particular school to abin the tile student mai ma be sent no COU course couse se taets ta kisless less than tu j ears nor more than three miss margaret horsley Is the local chair mir of the womans committee council of national defense and will answer all questions concern erril ig the work A date will ill besot beset soon for the tile registering of all who care to take up the work later information state states that those who enroll for the arm cuming school muei must be over 21 and must have a high chool school education hes miss has ivull a full set of in eions tione on af A clatts of service and be bo found at the county clerks office at thu the court bouee bouise any day from U 0 until 5 jia of this year faw more min f all alt than thai that month in any pre previous dear in the history of the local observation i the total pita tion was 2 08 inches according to the records of walter bass government observer the heaviest fall in 24 hours was on the when 17 inches hit the ground the maximum temperature for the month mouth was 04 yesterday aud the minimum was wm 40 on the looming morning of the 27 th |