Show hai e you heard the columbia juni june records call at and hea hear them thern at SCORES OF AUTO DRIVERS R VERS are learning learn inu what a biff big saving they can make on tire bills by having old tubes and casings repaired by us it will cost you nothing to come in and get prices all work guaranteed price pric e rubber I 1 works S W GOLDING J W props bargain piano worth 1500 for only used two months frank gresso just received at ium aum sumner ier s a large shipment of columbia latest records oodles of pepper in the latest war songs hear them ona onea columbia ii at woman desires position a cook or housekeeper on ranch or in cinn best of references reference a and good cook write mrs A bunt storrs utah 4 1 I 1 REXALL G GOODS 0 D S I 1 in drugs and druggists sundries are the best to be had that is the 1 the rexall chain of re reason son we joined drug stores the druggists united for best bes t service to the public are men of con science skill and discernment they will give their patrons only tried and 2 I 1 reliable goods j tell us for what purpose you want a i preparation and we will tell you what J s will best suit your needs t A D SUT SUTTON TON DRUG C CO 0 0 PRICE UTAH I 1 WIb W I 1 L 5 SONA 0 N 8 strawberries aries for preserving right now do not delay A few jays days more and they will be all over leave your order al at once other fruit F duits will follow in quick succession watch our window for varieties and prices utah mcg talles are no now t coming coining in for that drink these hot days white ribbon on ice in vvo size bottles soda water all flavor grape w juice on ice 16 oz bottle 25 v grape juice 4 oz bottle 10 hire s root beer extract per 41 g bottle r 25 corn starch King fords 2 package packages 25 evaporated fruits dried Pea peaches chesper per pound 20 51 pounds drie per pound 25 X 41 pounds 1 00 italian geunes I 1 pound 28 A S logan berne Beffi cs per 30 35 15 oz seeded raisins 15 coin corn flakes crape nut nuts shredded wheat puffed wheat rice and corn single package packages 15 5 assorted as a you want it 7 peg for 9 95 3 milk go or borden boiden s 6 8 tall can cans v pork and arid deans beans armour s no 1 18 8 cans for pork and beans red bean beans better than the ite 8 cans for or I 1 no jelly and jams pure fruit and sugar per glass 20 11 vou need sugar for pulling up your fruit we ye will ivill be glad lo 10 explain Z to you how hoy to get it flour and substitute substitutes oal oat flour bailey barley bout cornmeal oat meal in or large Quant quantities ites as all ou want vant it germade full 10 11 lu 6 sack 65 17 bars white laundry soap 11 sunny monday day bob boh white or crystal while white for 12 boxes matches full count 70 rex baca 1 keast bac bacon con per ib 48 sugar cured hams 35 bologna per ib 25 buy thrift stamps with what e save you on your grocery bill I let iet et us quote prices to you on your wants 0 H WILSON SELLING CO n n dilce utah member nimber of ot the sames fo I I 1 still I 1 op U open pen for business i iam I 1 am continua cont continuing inui the meat market in which t I 1 have been associated with J P roland rolan who was called to the army arry and promise to 0 the best of service st 1 S in the market at all times to buy all kinds pr 0 of meat animals and meu me ila RA dir to ALBERT RICCE it th of f HELPER UTAH 10 0 th 0 I 1 0 tWi twid 5 de ra to united states fuel t e t 0 h OL VA company orn any th ea et 01 1 na Ope operating ratin mines lines at ra ne MOHRLAND MOH RiLAND 44 21 of HIAWATHA T n ot 12 BLACK HAWK I 1 and PANTHER h WV he capacity h it A daily gal ec 0 10 he save nave your shoes hoes Si lu f tr mt leather is scarce and high we can get you lo 10 lob of wear out of your old shoes by our expert method th he repairing we know our business thoroughly and co Z completely equipped proper repairing will savel save f 1 many dollars it is your duty to make your old s sd in T last so our soldiers may have the new ones tu lot ri electric shoe repairing shop 8 factor au JAMBS JAMES BESSO prop bill L tamer turner block P lor r no do ea toe dont D 0 n 9 t get t ho we 01 tra when W hen we 14 T V je tell A m e you a to keep X 1 booi C A r 13 JL ja at it s easy in spile spite of the weatherman just get a k electric fan for for the library or bed ed room a pay a little more and get a big fan for living r roc office or store only a few cents a day drives heat away avav look over our hue huge stock before you start on an tup be sure you are supplied with tools repair L anva water ter bag and all the little things to make the ja at easy I 1 acl have you bought your wife an electric motor foi b sewing machine yet of C I 1 r W C BROEKER n 1 to paternoster F th |