Show NO 16 1112 reserve dist no 12 REPORT OP OF TIIE CO CONDITION OF THE first national banit at price in tho stale state of utah stabat at the close of business on may 10 1918 RESOURCES loans and discounts 99 U S bonds deposited to secure circulation par value U S bonde bonds and certificates of indebtedness owned and 00 lib libutt C 1 1 loan bonds ay per percent ca ut and 5 per cent liberty loan bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits 3 31 and aad 4 per cent payments actually made on liberty ay 4 reo cent bonds 2894 other than U S bonds not including stocks owned stacks other than tha federal reserve hank bank stock stock of federal reserve bank 50 per cent os ol subset 2500 00 real estate owned other than banking bankin g bouso bouse ft 73 lawful deseive with federal reserve bank 21 1 iia 02 cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks iva 5 checks on othe banks in the u sarie city or town as tepo itin bank checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items redemption fund with U S Tia suin and due bioni U S treasurer war ivar savings and thrift stamps actually owned 61 78 total d J liabilities LIARI LimS capital stock paid in ft surplus fund undivided profits 1175 less curlent exper ss s s interest and taxes paid p ild ca 13 amount reserved for taxes act rued MOO CO circulating notes outstanding net amounts due to national banks net not amount duo due to banks bankers ban lers and trust companies total of items 32 and 33 individual deposits subject to check 78 certificates of nf deposit due in less than 30 ds other than for money borrowed certified checks 2450 cashiers checks outstanding of demand deposits other thin bank deposits subject to reserve items 34 35 36 37 29 certificates of deposit other than for money borrowed 05 postal savings deposits total time deposits subject to reserve items 42 and 44 53 total 33 otate state of utah county of carbon ss 1 L E whitmore cashier casbier 0 V the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is etue to tha best of my knowledge and belief L I 1 I 1 WHITMORE cashier conent attest J IM e A W WH horsley elonore dusserre subscribed and sa aboin oi n to beffi e me this dwy day of ma 1918 A W MCKINNON notary public my commission espnes july 28 1919 |