Show B ulu US COME HERE WE WEDNESDAY edvay U 1 a V plina aro are complete for the regis of all tho the bos who have ren reached clied the ago age of 21 since the reg astr strut tion lon a year ago it has been decided decide d unnecessary to establish est biblish reg clerks at any of tho the camps and tona towns except in pleasant valley all the bois bos of scofield winter quarters clear creek and rutih ut th blino will register with Post mister barnett at tho the bladsoe mercantile company coin pany store in scofield all tho the reat of the boa bos of tho tile county must como to price and ic te gister with the local draft board rat the tile cur courthouse Hir it is not tri ought that fiero will bo lie enny iver in the tile county and it was bof no thought worth whilo while to ask a bleik to devote hia his entire day at camps where there will be fow few registrants bois are warned that registration Is compulsory and that penalties attach to failure to comply with the law and the presidents proclamation all aliens alieni must register and take up the matter of their all allena enship hip later in the proceedings ce tho the dato date Is 1 next wednes dw juro 5 and few excuses will be viken from tholo who neglect the maltet |