Show io rn ja e e yuu you cant always make everything just se so sometime you fiet get in v je shortening than usual or make the batter a little thin 40 or r it may not be convenient to put a cake in the oven the moment it I 1 Is mixed or your oven may not bake evenly and it Is feces necessary to turn the pan pail around none of these little uncertainties make the slightest difference in resists if you use law 0 v a BAKING B POWDER R 01 0 1 this ardern rd TNie ern ri double raise ralle baking ponder has strength and N 4 1 absolutely certain to raise your biscuits cakes and pastry light and feathery it ge generates nerata an abundance of lem ley yng ng gas both in the mix N y ing boi and in the oven T the raiding Is sustained until the tile dough Is N through IN housewives who use K C never have bad tad tuck luck with their baking f y P iry iv K C at our risk your grocer vt will refund your money U you au are am ff 5 dot vt pleased in every way ST f 1111 TENDER SENSITIVE SKINS quickly soothed by Cuti curn nothing better trial free especially when preceded by a hot bath with Cuti cura soap many comforting things these fragrant super creamy emollient emollients a may do tot for the skin scalp hair and handa hands and do it quickly effectively and economically also for the toilet tollet bath and nursery sample each free by mall mail wl with rook dook address postcard CutI curA dept boston sold everywhere adv ady important to mother mothers examine carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA a sate and aura sure remedy to infanta aad and children md and sea that it Bears Bea rathe the signature SIen atre of az i 4 la in Vs Us i 0 ib 30 team ozy for Flet fletche chees castoria Cas loria mil no bother to get summer meats meals with estyl these de on hand amu J vieira style 1 ui ani f patted POUCA mc just open and enre save excellent foe sandwiches insist nj on amys at your fMC ft libby anem uby 30 t tj university Uni varsity of notre dama dame DAME DIME thorough education Edu cAtlon moral amis 1 10 9 one coref drate leading to decrees tr irre 1 la cawles Cl lc arim economy rree chemistry biology narma I cr st gin etring architecture law repertory preparatory school various cears dereu RUX if NOTRE DAME INDIANA DAISY FLY KILLER fl m S y kill all aloe al hafl al 1 of r aap alaf it OEM on 4 torl T will ill ask 1 I 11 oil ll or r hofts xum 11 arava gad MJ few fr all la do kam AT ave X T kowasa L E awa lna ea phew pr arlei lei godow sr Ww lead X cwb I 1 gliver WI zino wax maluo envelope anve lope ikid mil tall iteena cm ors celo colo WU LAK un zi A iS SS at k 7 ra W W 06 M va L oft |