Show NO MORE MONEY FOR TEACHERS HOW NOW titio will nill be no raise for in tn of I 1 the of cairon county counts until something further is 13 done toward binding a 1 ine me ms u to do tie it dr A W V dowd representing inc the wail on the committee to solve the problem wis not it the board inee meeting tine Tu isida ind and tho the nitter matter went over oer until after the holidays holi diss iros bill 11 bo be returned to vincet quitters as after ch chistoni astin ni the appointment by b hup sup enn erin kitin han being improved ip ipp b by the bo baird ird uliss miss parry I 1 irr vho aho is teaching at 1 bun sun was found to hive have accepted tile position here without hang been from bar ber foi nier mer position ind and shy she nas agten until I 1 the re opening of the school to ctet fj inetter or her contract ft ill be cal cancelled celled superintendent H R in hrib au aeeti asked to act as one of the instructors org it the branch of the colondo colorado state northal school it gunnison Gunn lson durina the tile vimmer bimmer when lien he is not riot needed here ind and ho he was kien gier ly by tte te borttl to accept 4 |