Show HENDRICKS r GIVEN I 1 BLAME BLAM 0 DELAY the jela s in gi ff ittin the tile mono from the federal land b bink itil foi ti the tie e to tos asked by tin tilt fur nurs of carbon I 1 county countr eem to be get getting ing sifted out ind hope is th no now expressed tint thit money will be forthcoming without much fuller friction 3 F 51 mic ic knight s sa crebar of the local atio at lonisin nisin i erupt of a letur from 11 the tile trea ier of the tile land b till at B buke ike lei v saying thit that the of sor fiendt ic kb of th st ite al college who inide in ide the tile 1 of the tile land sevI u eral igo it is nestr been tilt tiltil d and thit the eikal gi twin has ignore foi the report repe cited efton ta of the b binl binh inh offitt 0 to get action hue h I 1 e failed ino itin hn fin ill they aked the federal author itla ilits to hw Il endricks this wai done ind the gentleman then gave notice that he would a re port whether or not he will do so u rein tinb u to bo be seen if he lie does u O 0 at one the loins lows nn tin lif lie boon coin pitt cd if dot riot it will be neLes necessity vily to t h nj inan to vp ip praise the lands on hith loans art tire asked rind if bad atts in belote lucli a astion tion is t ken iken binds 1 innot c annot be ki pr used nt I 1 snow melta tit nt n at t should this ie le the cue cae m nun f finnema in carbon fount will be badi disappointed md ind much im till pro eident put ovet it o 0 e it |