Show SCHOOL CHILDREN TO AID IN WINNING WAR counti it hian wab was in lit bait salt 1 like ike bitu Situ iday ida at a meeting of school nun to discuss th sugs the tile war thrift stamps it was agreed that the tile fol fricis cla nuke i it effort to have lime the pupils do ill all thea the possible can to lat P of ut lits allotment of ht impi j E halh lah pupil is to be urged to sive avely lent to buy stamps it Is aiom the and people of vcr ver ted anians that the to 1 1 et the bulk of the thad ua in the tile united statts bc bufore fore hie the end of next latr ohp th method of buding a one 25 tent shimp it i time tinia and trading lath 16 fui fol a lot cite will ill be thorough ha to all children and thea the will be made to feel th it tt in biving biving their pennies and lending them to uncle barn sam to bu food and cl clot othin hm foi fot then bi big g brothers in in the at aim m thit they nie doing tin the world i real service sir str vice cai bon bounty pupils will be found to be in tit thi leai in this otie moe ment |