Show RF CROSS BIG carbon county is foi i mem of laboo to the tile ked red cross ch clupter apter in tho biff big tari drive e which begins dec 17 and ends chrisom is eve PI ins are all 11 laid foi rot the abid the work vill will be started us as soon I 1 is 8 the material arrives mrs mat gilmour lus hs been appointed chairman ifrid lid the following were appointed on the executive committee mayor A IV V horsler Hors lei chair in in 1 11 NI minson inson campaign man agel and ua albert 11 rhyner tyner tic insurer LR L it fullmer II 11 it goetz minn C 11 II stevenson and george wootton the executive committee appointed the publicity committee which comprises W V 1 olson chairman 0 T brooks and the tile new newspapers shapers of the county the tile town is to be divided into four bisti acts and i house to houe canvass is to ba be made for meni membris beig each district 13 to bela be in chat ge of I 1 chairman who will appoint il foar to assist him hurt in the tile work L 1 gutenstein LuT Luvi enstein will have district no 1 1 rex ke millet district no 2 L it Full fullme met i district no 3 1 II 11 pace lice district no 4 the foreign population of the citi city will bo b given a chadee a to hilp in ili thu the and a fi bioni ont e eccli tell natio nationally nall t ii his is been asked to hike take chirse ch irge of ahr t he anik m k eugene chatlin will hava have the supervision of the french people of the greeks creeks and ind flank vialla of the tile iti members of the tile coin eunit thoe living ip p tha the euial districts will not be ile slighted and anti D U D lewig has been asked to see tb thit it all are given an opportunity to become membris of the ked lied cross cros i some one of the committee will visit eccli teli of the tile auxiliaries of the chapter ind explain to the executive committs commit tte e of that aux ibar the plan of the vork work and the greater pirt of the tile I 1 inquired t jui number is expected from these places cubon lount will in ili all 11 probability exceed the number asked for as ng she his h is exceeded in ili all jthn ie quests made of her |