Show m A w TI A TP rr I 1 E I 1 M I 1 li r TIRL 1 nr DIRTY SPARROW B uv A J TAYLOR DIs dist club leader the sparrow Is becoming so numerous that it has beco become me a very serious pest it ts Is a bird which feeds almost wholly on gr enins lins and gaiden truck already many people have complained that the sparrow destroys their rat den just as fast as it comes out of the ground this condition ft contina cont inu just jua as long as wo me per elthe sparrow to breed and in creace every man woman and child in price should do ab e everything era thing possible poa pos bible to eradicate thit bird boys should hould climb all the trees treo tear down the nests and destroy the ecks of the sparrow this work of destruction should be contin abbo absolutely lutell to thes the spar paiTO and e ahuad ild do all that we can to prelve tho parents encourage your boys in this work because we cannot afford to feed the sparrow this year the best method of controlling a peet pest of i his kind is to destroy destro the breeding breedt tiK places but a great deal can be done now to 1 0 o kul off many of these birds at the pi sent time the following to fo mula for poison in ins 11 the sparrow is te commended Is county agent bullian bul livin di dissolve sol e one eighth ounce ite in one hilf boiling water pour this hile hot over two quirts qu arts of libit and stir const constantly antly till all the liquid is absorbed ibs orbed dr dry thor ought without scorching chine the tile grain fee I 1 the sparrows sparrow s sparingly or four day days s previous to putting out the poisoned wheat the should bo be put out ri daj dr places in small quantities just what will be cleaned up in ore day this should be done in inse se eril places on the farm and in the girden chickens and pigeons do not frequent the tile dead ind dying buds should be removed an hour after setting out the bait one quart of beat heat contains karnela and one kernel will ill kill a 1 |