Show NOTICE salt lake city utah ala mai 17 1917 NOTICE 14 IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with tho the provisions of an act of congress approved august 18 1894 eit entitled titled an act make appropriation for sundry CIO expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending june 30 1893 1895 08 28 stats and for other purposes I 1 simon mainberger Bain berger gov gon broor of the state of utah havy bae twide application for the survey of the folio v ing described townships of the ansur ea ed public lands of utah viz Ton township ship 11 south range 11 east township hip 11 south range 12 east toa to I 1 11 I 1 south range 13 east and the tile pirt part of township 12 south ran ringa oe 11 east all in bait salt like bise bie ind in that thit slid stid lands ire reserved from am atil appropriation by settle mw men or ot otherwise except under ri rights that inai may by be found to exist ol 01 0 i prior inception foi a period to ct ev i tend from may 20 1917 until the expiration ion of ot GO 60 das from rom tho the of the allin fillans of tho plats oft of t ie survey in the district laed land office at st salt like city utah i during p nod of 00 60 da a 36 the abate state mil ill ex cruise UK of c alve right 11 of election selection of an lads not tin in an any valid iverse adverse I vorse claim for the tb satisfaction of euch grants gm governor arnor gf utah ineat pub mil 24 aut june 21 |