Show ante tor 0 R LARGE AGE L ja riad P I 1 a C 1 IN I 1 li MY WORLD W ills AFFAIRS it U SENIORS SE lilt ra U M a R S DIPLOMAS DI r LOMAS GIVEN G IT YEN T the frand commencement ball a to night win will close a week ui of graduating festivities for the largest clisi ever leaving biving carboa carbon county high school twenty two pretty oung women and strong oung men ere vere list night handed diplomas which tell the world tant they h hive ave t ly complete J 1 their high school course the eser cisM have hane been marked with happy and strung features the princ principal lind address to the daa was delivered by prof loroy leroy E coalts s of tho the st ite university sitt who was of the tile local school when the clas class of 17 17 entered as green freshman he ile stated that no one could tell from the hind handsome hi some roup they now formed that they atre the bame u class thai that greeted hun I 1 tin four years neo ago Ws ills address was on the foree of malls condition 4 dodty said tho the speaker are but a conflict of ideals the conflict between aristocracy and dOMOL moy the oldest conflict in and nil one whish h has lasted through all acea ages Is the conflict of religious ideals and tho the fight for religious toleration that fight began soon after creation and has never ceased tho civil war was a alg fight ht tor physical physic liberty the doctrine 0 the divico right of kioes kings received a strong blow through ae mana magna and the rulo rule of the people began to b bo felt but a bew ew nations havo have never learned the leisson ind and today the strongest military machine in the world fit fighting to perpetuity perpetu ite the doctrine that a king can do no wron tf and is responsible to no mortal authority and tin th democracies of the world are fighting lighting to put an end forever M the poll ticA serfdom of human beings the united states has entered the fight because it believes that the of if dem Is vital to the of all nil nations and arid that the doctrine of the divine right of knags must be fored destroyed deat rosed the war will be won by technical trained men and it is it the duty of every oune man and oung woman noman of today to gr katt nil till the training he lie can we can 1740 J vo onti u of three things light wor fil or ay furnish if we annot tight wo we can az furnish o 0 foi those who can or we can it with necess necessities itle those who a SQ 0 everyone must do hh his full share for a monster la Is before us not 2 until thy the world adopts the doctrines of the sermon on the mount will ther thero be true ideals which will mke warn war thing of the past the address of principal J G gubler Is 1 noted elsewhere in these columns president 0 R ma Marcu aeo of the board of deduc won spoke but briefly as the teotimo timo imas im ft as limited that price is browing more proud of and rind more grateful for the high school ea edich air he fie wanli wanti it to be a real counte high school and the entire county to tako advantage of it ile of his gratitude that such a ro re mir kable class could bo be graduated aej complimented the members for their individual mental aid and physical strength lie also paid tribute to the faculty and th the patrons for loyalty to the school in closing mr caremen nuda made a plea for an alumni association that tho the graduates could be held together and could do great things for fur tho the school superintendent S W golding in fitting remarks presented the diplomas to those whose work for four 14 years had erined them amid the applause q of the audience A reading by onadell woods and find numbers by a chorus and orchestra added much to the program pi following the ex ext raises 1 the gladu 4 ContIn tit it on prage elget CHANCE MAKE FOR LARGE PLACE IN AFFAIRS A tow t ow pite on ow lites were the recipients c t nerty congratulations from hota ho its of c tueua class day exe exercises roises dumdai e ea en ing were viere attended by a full auito auditor lum of friends it f the grit gaud 4 bistes of C C if 11 S J the he program as I 1 d last we k was earned carried out with err it credit to tle tie p I 1 the oal regret was that misa alice hurst wits unable to come from silt salt dike t be bt with her formet pupils and the pl no assigned her on the program aa wab ably filled by b jessie billin m i who ren rendered dered a charming baloi ua kry every number wis wits hugely enjoyed |