Show strong r for fence pence there it no need for serious trouble C or of any trouble that cannot be removed by amicable anti cable ad juht ment states judge elbert elbet t ri gary recently returned to america after an extended visit to japan we cannot we douht oil ht never io to try to blink at these fact facts every patriot 1 in iz under to resist with all his influence any effort to participate in or stir up trouble between these two nation ther there have been pending there siu vill maybe may be undetermined n inca questions of dispute between japan and the united states if so it behooves every loyal citizen to inquire and ahot are pre the merits ond nd to urge ure with all his strength that every question be bettl settled d on its muriti mc no import important rl difference can be finally and forever Iett settled led unless it is settled right if otherwise disposed of it will come up again to plague th one who ho is in in the thearon wron rong As I 1 hive said there can be no irreconcilable emerence bet between een japan aud the united S a es boi both ire equally anxious to avoid to i both roth des desire pe ice and tranquility friendship and frater fraternity nty both are antt diligent rich po power areil tu pro ua gr greslie esbie and prosperous roul f h maybe may be and should be le leaders ader 3 in the tile reconstruction and n I 1 tion of the world s battered and ruined social structure together they may be influent nl ril in a movement to establish and maintain an impartial and satisfactory forum for the final settlement of fill international controversies which is the most de thing t to be considered c n q at time and finally accomplished so far as I 1 could see japan is is paying little attention to the war wa r in euloge crept b by y the sale and delivery of the things she bhe produces and which the foreign armies can use sill still there should seem to be e little or no doubt that she is endeavoring deavo ring to be prepared for all i 1 eventualities I 1 think howe however Lr the people are a 1 considering mo more re direfully cire fully the future economic bitu adon and I 1 niso also belle believe e they en about the sime fe feelings elinas to aard ard their interests that we ahme conc concerning erninA ours from hea st s magazine for mav |