Show HI START siaa IN a T CANYON iff V 7 of ja 0 convicts win will bo be at a price C in yon before the end tola was fettled by george storrs Ung engineer ineer iri im en a ja 12 0 and the county coin miia 31 a 9 special session tuesday tite tte officials came down by 1 ci I had hid plenty tJ of opportunity the need for work accord the reo resolution lution adopted by ohp tie tte county i is to furnish nil all a y equipment quip ment including tools cooking coking utensils and trans altin wd the state feeds bathes oth esthe the men and furnishes li l v i and guards gloe ring to come to the canyon is a lag just being made mado up by the a I from nen wha h hive ive never oat at on tho reids re ro ids they 11 i 1 1 l he be fitted out for this work the a i tha the southern pat ajit t of nf the is to work on the price dime line will nob cot leave their pres ork for another month ecklon e cut on work will bo be rushed so mika early summer travel easy liziene work will bo be done to i permanent wide road tint will 11 I 1 drained and he practically all om boulder obstruction the er r waa thoroughly discussed bj b nS ea Storrs mr browning and jard and all are in accord joe ilio ho ben moss blois J tom fitch S V borkenhagen of helper ired ed at the meeting and discus ui als in the vicinity of their city action was taken are ensign secretary of state ans ns in the city tuesday and he wd before the board to urge Igat jair f and a carbon county at th tb state fair this f fill ill a was taken on this matter |