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Show - THE BINGHAM NEWS !' t- I! "Gat your Goaf" I Cifl Patch Tupper' The origin of thu phmae, whir when in Salt Lake City Wjf . . mean to annoy, lrrttat or make U I DeClSlOn angry. !i not known for certain. Mod- Eat at the New S. , era lexicographer bellev "coat" In I A. .......... bahcd this expression la a contraction of WvVt By WILLIAM M. ROUSE -goatee the chin tuft or pointed Vf 11 1 f 1 Tl j' VK H ' beard. If this li correct, "to get one's U 1 1 m f VLTC I linll KAA1H . .'AM I A i, mi. Western Newspaper Union.) gout" literally would mean to pull one'a llrilllllaTlI LllJvll llwwlll J VM V' XX7HBN folk, on Coon mountain beard which U ns.der J. J V -':- 'r W" that Patch Tupper was humiliating kind of insult-Pathfinder J VyC ahirtieaa it wa. because they did not Magazine. Where You Are Assured the BEST on W- TnZ rlJoV LADIES The Market at REASONABLE PRICES rTGLiX ::KJ: with Ills hound dog, Pedro, wa be- . , We jgfc p0P m FJJ t' . v.. ' oauae he had never aeen any other If you want your HAIR taken B-veryming new . LTr Al tfff I condition of life that promised adven- care 0f Right knA Clean ne Trial ' il ir''ti-f-H ture enough In the getting of It Call at ffWlS!MT' Hrontfl' triH ft "Tain't lively enough," was Patch'a ' , 30 West Second South ' "iWSHlter-trt ''''ft reply to every offer of a Job. EDITH and ELAINE'S lliTOiitillfl :"1?SXal" BEAUTY PARLORS Close to Main Street and the Orpheum """""lili TZ?Z?2 289 Main Street Phone 264M J D-,, Av l 'n "I1 feet roused to action. . KIKH V A Ro8e'" he ,a,d- hu8kl,y' n W,Dt F0K SALE ' ' M Dmnl)jk youand.bycrlmua.rmgolngtoh.T. Thirty Room9 of Furniture " ' ! J & Jr Scarlet flamed in her cheeks. Her in the I 1 1 1 I --j ntr..grSyeithb?aTey California hotel LoDDerrield Landy T rp TVfa Patch stepped forward and swung her Will also rent or lease the build- JrJr J . Inexpensive lCnniS lOgS UP over hu shoulder. ing after the furniture has been , r ' 1 with a double armful of wildcats be disposed of A chance of a life- If stylish and comfortable sjisrs fr desirious f and Lirocery otore , . r m mountain. She left red furroughs making money. Get your pattern at our brandard-Designer d(,w- nl8 cneekg ne got her Apply Pattern counter then buy your materW at 7 590 Main'Sarn, Utah Has just received a large Shipment of IMPORTED and DO- our piece-goods counter. 1 ne ueiroDe, , a bund MFTir GROCERIES of the Hiuhebt Grade wonderful dressmaking guide included with he got her f alrly ,ettied she had MEaTIC GKULLKlbo or tne nignesi uraae. the pattern, shows you how to make the dresi blacked an eye. rAvvnv iivpbv " ' from start to finish. fajjJ J-J gJ a'nT U'A CANYONLIVBBY We handle the Best Candies on the Market i . .o d ; i L . back out of range. He set his back TRANSFER m-OnlyMyardtf54- 8189 The Bclrobe showt KtlIngt tha door and took out nIi LOUIS DA PRA, Proprietor inch bordered material is you with pictures how to wat.D. required for this dress in bind the neck, arm holes and u got Bve minutes left before the FREIGHT And Phone 147 ? tilt 36. The Belrobe Shows slashed skirt of this jumper Reverend Simmons get. here," he said. "you how to lay out the fat- tunu dress as a professional 2T T. X HAULING of ALL KINDS , . Urn en your material. tailor would do ts. uge argerlngi Roget for 1 mde up my S DDLE HORSES " mind!" . . Alwava Buy Standard-DesUner The Oght lasted three of the nva Jim Leva, Proprietor ; f.Lm, Um Bdrob. -J - I PhoiM 186 BINGHAM r r. jay mitchell zrr.rtri Have Your Snrin? Suit AK Main 5tri.t Phone 43 around his neck; she hid her face w A WUI f11 4jj Main Street i none hi ihouder SAY IT WITH FLOWERS . "I guess ... I guess I love you, Expert Patch r .h. whispered. i thought Give us your oiders for all Made RIGHT in BINGHAM vuiuav r you never would show any spunk I" v a rr nwrna Ambulance Attendants The rest of that day was tilled with Kinds 01 LUWMC Amouiance joy for Patch TuPPer. The gold ring p . piant d Ferns Where It Is Made To Fit You ; , upon the hand of his wife gleamed like j 4 11 H f be-on of happiness. She cooked CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED i A aMHfilAMlA W amih t I g the best supper he had ever eaten In i rilllDUlallCC UClVILC VU. Vwasmthecoldhoursjustbefore AmnVMPT T 1VT 7 1 T 1 dawn that the first rift appeared. J 11 HillJ A1A7 Y fkYlT ' I SUlAf C , . , .. eor nn Pedro, the hound, came as had been 11 V If JL Ul IV A C111U1 W To any Hospital in Salt Lake City ja.uu hIi prfvllege from pUppyhood to share Phone 17 . hit master's bed when the kitchen grew chilly, a yelp and a thump I 517 Main Street (Above City Hall) awakened Patch. He explained Pedro'i . i. habits. '' Phone Phone "That dog can have a blanket and a D A T XI AI fC . f feather pillow and a ribbon around his J, i I JMmJJ Salt Lake, Was. 4040 Bingham 17 ""25 SWISS WATCHMAKER ' ! i 1 Sr? TJSTnr he Fin. Watches Clocks and Jew- HO f T CVAd I IMF I w.nt, tnt ptch tnid hr. indignnntiT. elry skillfully repaired ijlX V yVI I V y I I j mmm mmm hmm n. Just how It happened he never knew, (Jj -w a f -w-a. a "w AtAa, Pli f 11 l" but before he could gather himself for JL . . , , n . I lr -ry J,fenM hls hea1 WM belnK bumP,1 ? The Greatest Remedy for Colds, Pneumonia, Croup, and UXCol 1V1111. 1UI against the floor. 7 J? Throat Troubles. ww "Dog!" panted Rose. "Kitchen r V )) B"aii right I" yelled Patch, "it's too Invaluable for Insect Bites, Hay Fever and other Spring V late to arger tonight r and Summer Ailments. O rlfQ Patch Tupper was not of the stuff 50 Main btreet - , CtUlVO that yields without fighting, bnt he Bingham, Utah KEEP IT ALWAYS IN YOUR HOME got tired. Rose was never tired. How- ever, when Saturday of that first week Manufactured Exclusively By We Furnish You Direct From Our came ghe wet too far. Own Dairy of JSiol aS? tndei.b.V BINGHAM STAGE LINE ( A M P Rh I jT 1 lfr I O i to the creek and take your bath !" Vil II LJ LuL-iiJ kJ I J VJ VVt mmmmm m "Jy bath 1" he cried. "I ain't got Q.k.j.,1, v. Eff-H Trip Rinaham Dairv "WSrSTL.-...-. "1,. r 190 M" i Js 11W JLIIlglIA "Every Saturday, aummer and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 and tmmmmm i mmmmJ winter, the year 'round I" 9 p. m. ' Phone 232 With a yell of defiance Patch Tup- car8 jeave Salt Lake City 7, ' per flung down the soap aud leaped n J14 jiob ""i""iii"""" I I through the doorway. 9. and U m- and 1, 3, 5. MMMHwa mm tmm mm -1 "They's some things a man won't 7, 9, and 11 p. m. W V w- rv 11 T stand r he shouted, from the safety of Main Street Phone 41 KSVY7I I Onrlir I f Buy Bread that Is zt-:- Royal tandy to. , Patch nursed his wrongs upon a M- - T . , uKTuyjS n:;nwgTyriP fg STORE NO. 1, Phone 13 STORE NO. 2, Phone 189 ; 7 HP In RinCrham "rfSrJ SJSA rnVrr;b," Salt Lake City Office wai a. dUC HI UlllgllCllll boldneis and main strength he wiuld Semloh Hotel HOMP M A HP C A MHV take her back to her father's house 107 E. 2nd So. St. WJiVlVLi iVlil-iJ VxAl L- I , .TT,. . - t and leave her there to think It ovar ' J " .ir men 3 LOAVES for 2j cents for a wnlIe Phone Was. 1069 . , With the stealth of a panther he ap- dproached his house and got a coll of " half-Inch rope from the woodshed. Ex- r'TTTTPPTI TSIfiTTPTt'C CHILI, TAMALES, LIGHT LUNCHES ( r cept for the ticking of the clock all IlUKtl XNUilll! was still in the kitchen. He stepped L. D. S. CHURCH HOT AND COLD DRINKS over the threshold of the bedroom. ... - Frnet Panipri Prorj A thousand streaks of fire shot . . jiinwi i fore his eyes. He melted down, slid- Evanuig Service on Sundays, mmiim . mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmml ing against the wall, with his head 7 130 p. HI. mmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rolling foolishly. A light flared Up Sunday-SChOOl, 10:30 &. m. , 1110 l,- and he saw Rose, with her unbound Primary, Monday I ' "' i ' Citizen s Coal and Supply Co. ukewr.SSJS: atP3rS;hood meetmir on Mon when you need rr J ing woman. She carried a stick of . P"e8thood meeting on Mon- onmutro stovewood handily as she came and da ? 7:00 P- m- fTV JTT Tf TT TT HANDLES ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES stood over him. Relief Society meets on Tues- 1 II II 11 "What was yon fixing to do with day afternoons at 2:00. i II II I JV. li : HAY, GRAIN COAL AND ICE . . 1WMrt JF$-cordial,jr JL V ii 11 1L- 11 going to hnrt you any!" 10 attend. "Patch," she said, earnestly, "did you Agger you licked me the day wa Holy Rosary Church, Bingham FOR YOUR BABIES, ASK FOR was married r Sunday Masses: .We.,. Rose, I kind of thought I fl m H D f, A M'Q "Then you thought wrong! i hadn't First Sunday, 9 a. m. X 1 v VJ. . even started to fight! Think It over! r R A The question right now i, whether upperneid CLEAN, WHOLESOME AND INVIGORATING ZTJtLllrTL X ?ltVS Second and fourth Sundays waiiu bath, or whether I got to give ,t t, 9;00 a m Approved by Hugh J. Cannon w i "itose," said Patch Tupper, 'Tv Sunday School after Mass. 5 A? &g! ion " ' f made up my mind to take It. They's tjpv t'i. t mh pa,tir btate Hoard Of Agriculture ,. " UM of rKerln "to" tonight" laniD, rastor. . . .. .- t |