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Show LorinFlinder " Is Killed While On Ore Train Lorln William Fllnder, 23. brake-man brake-man on an ore train at the Utah Copper Cop-per company mine, was killed almost Instantly Friday afternoon. Mr. Flinders Flin-ders was a resident of Ogden, where funeral services were held and Interment Inter-ment took place. The accident occured as Fllnder was tripping the releases on the dump cars. One of the cars after unloading, suddenly Jerked back Into Its original position, catching Fllnder before he could Jump to safety. Mr. Fllnder was born December 31, 1903 In Clinton, Davis county, and is the son of William Richard and Elizabeth Eliz-abeth King Fllnder, both of whom survive him. Other survlvers are his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Lenore Harris Flinders and several, brothers and |