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Show ONE KILLED, THREE OTHERS WOUNDED IN FIGHT IN HIGHLAND BOY DISTRICT Francisco Amador is Slain; Salurino Hernandez Being Sought For Killing; Officers Believe Slaying Was Done in Self Defense; Sheriffs Office Requests Inquest. Francisco Amador was killed and Celliteno Lazo, 45, Francisco Fran-cisco Tellez and Elfonso Tellez were wounded in a pistol battle which took place in a cabin in the Phoenix district early Monday. Salurino Hernandez, companion of the Tellez brothers is being be-ing sought in Salt Lake and immediate vicinity for the slaying. Pmm information trained bv Chief DeDUtv Sheriff Bert Smith. Hernandei Is believed to bave shot In self defense and the officer Is unable to undorvtond why the man should not give himself up. After conferring with Sheriff Clifford "Patten and Chief Deputy L. L, Larsen, it was decided to request Justice of. the Peace Ray H. Kenner to hold an inquest in-quest to determine the facts regarding regard-ing the tragedy ,- . - According' to information given to Chief Deputy Smith, Amador entered the cabin, occupied by Hernandez and the Tellex boys and began firing, apparently ap-parently without provocation. The first shot wounded the Tellez brothers bro-thers In the left arms and the second shot struck Laso in the right knee. At this point Hernandex opened flr with an automatic pistol, which he was carrying. Two shots struck Amador Am-ador in the head killing him instantly instant-ly . The wounds were so close together to-gether that they appeared as one . hole, mute testimony of the expert-ness expert-ness with which Hernandex handled the gun. r ; Immediately following the shooting shoot-ing Hernandex left, Officer Smith was notified and Immediately began an investigation. Hernandex is believed be-lieved to have left Bingham almost immediately but every effort to locate lo-cate him in Salt Lake and surrounding surround-ing territory has failed. After considerable investigation, m.i o ( i. v. Mi.hi th rnnclu- slon that Amador was crazed with moonshine liquor at the time of Ut shooting and was probably not responsible res-ponsible for his actions. . . ! . . ; Search was made for Hernande throughout Tuesday and Wednesday by deputy sheriffs, but with no success. |