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Show !LEFT FOR THE EA8T, Editors or tux Mountainxer; As you are aware wiUilp Ihe last few Weeks several small parlies have left for the Slates. Some have, doubtless, gone with the good will of the citizens, with clear consciences and upright' Intentions, to seek a relaxation rom business among their eastern acqnaintancea.and friends. Good speed and ja pleasant ''vacation tpnr tp such. Bat.agaln, others may have gone with the s intention of trumpeting a", over the east the wonderful and alarming fact that nothing, abso- l lutely nothing can be done In Utah without mar- ; Hal law that the judiciary is powerless, thai i the lawa cannot be magnified, that ell the federal r ' t i ocere are nullities; that all, tlielf efforts to ad-mlaliter ad-mlaliter jastlce are. completely futile, paralyzed by seme latent, IriicnUableV all-pervadinR5 Inrlu-ence; Inrlu-ence; that official operations conducted Wihoat the millfary are abortive, and, .others, seconded by fmppslng military forcis by the thundering oarinodj th unerring rifle, and (ho glistening fcay-pn fcay-pn t, ate ten thousand times worse lhah a (arte, because the military are not quite, independent or at t'ederaJ civil officer jppjsesslng a'jiltlp eorpmon aensei', S nothing .wilt ip but martlat law..;. Nvi hopeshort.pfihat. ,7'- V !"-:', 'j ' -" . And pray, good ano patrlotlo genllmerf,-what coofd be done among Amen'oiti cttixens by mar tlal law! Mbink Jeislnfioilefy Ies9f.thanrcp;iildi. beaccomplUbed by moro'pactflo.meaWeeV 'Mar-l tial law IJ'iittey'lncpmpillble, with thpirlt.of Amerfcari iaslituiidn and rlticlpfes1 1 Inaleadgf wprklngjtt'stlcej''u vtPald let tpose. the worst pa- "slons spf hnnian. nBiarenjallee, hatred lecheryj revenge; whia .'murder, rapine, arid fnsatlabfe .Inst would hate, full swing;., The itin'pcenl,,! therftb,an; th guilty, ;W(Puld suflVrjS Irinocent blood wouhi sniolie.to heaven for tengesijce.' lv5' KUeroen, martial a;Wiirhot ud. ihe.fl.qoAfgaterof vlplenc'e Wk'pt!fel)se4, as.tdng as possible, "JJo not .try.tpppfnlthem, once open, le'.tiot ait easyttVO;clpsetrieml When" federal b'Olcera find they 'have notliifluence; to'aeoompllsh anylgood in tftah, letttfe m tjuietly rt"turri'home,'"! ' . "0 |