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Show l . nORACE GREELY AGAIN. Our readers will not require an apology for again bringing this singular singu-lar man and talontcd writer before them. t)ur spaco would not permit fuller extracts, or wo would have given them. . Fpr a stranger visiting our set- -. :" -, ' .V" , " .-J'' ""; SSfVl' WWWBMPt f r. i'-,, iiijj-' i -.'ffiil r r bodnso and.tiseful, instructa &y! m gVned frdm his observations, iSall;iobably givo another disK ix$ ,. i . w m l ; , ''XlMjise Mormons arciutho maiatnn in-4u5ttio9i in-4u5ttio9i frugal, hard-tofkingfepeople Few of them ar habitnal idlersfcw live'1 by professions or pursuits: thatxequird nb physical exertion,. 'Aoy raakq Work" for but few lawyers I know fcut fqur!among: them their;differcnce9. and disputes are usually seftlcd in and. by the ChUrch; they .have no female outcasts few doctor?, ittid payno salaries ttf thbi'r preachers at- least, the renders' say o But a small portion, of them,use Tea; aud,,Coffee. Por,-racrly Por,-racrly they drank little or no Liquor; but, since the Anny tame id last year, money and whisky have both been more abtincf. ant; ftndl.ndw they drink .couridcrablyv Mprp th an Ja thousand barrels .of whisky have becii splAih this city; within tlid last year, 'at an .average of not less' than S 8 per gallon, making the-total cost to con' Siiniqrs "over $2ffptO0Q, whereof the?4Vfpr-mens the?4Vfpr-mens have paid-.at least half,;. 1( ih4y i had. thmwnr instead SlSO,0Q0'm hard .cash . into, the .deepest part of Salt take, it would have - been, far bdtter fdnthem; -The 'appetite they arb ncquiringor re-nptvirisr re-nptvirisr Will cliniar to.'tliem nfter tliftVArmv and 'its Influx of Cijslv shall have departed; irthd.SamtswhanowdriWiUitOom-ill find tliemsclvca as thirsty fls their galley,, be? forhey .Sttspect;fhat;they care. anything for drqupr.'As yet,' JbehevbiJhey Jitwo few or no dtunkardi; but;tKqrlis;nohmg: mte'deceitfurihark, tlio rip'petiteHdt;"' -: quor.A$;yc.Uiahiias.riota.'8mgle P.o.r'pf, a.nykintl "thorArmy supplied licr wlth;;casbf;.wher.that.is gono' her. people ,wilS;see .hardef , times,;-;? She nought, 0: ;mariufacture, alraost'everythirig zheoni ; sumes,;or fdreigrff,dcbt. will .ovcnvhelm .Vlp!to .this ho'un.libimandfac : r-,nffr&e? havo.beW.mdsnbappily.: di.rectedtrae$20p;o'0p jVas dxperided m preparations; foY.IroamaklWat .fjdaisa ealled-VjCfeaarA qity;.buthe -ore,, though .ricliTOuld. not flux, and ttio enterprise: hato.be. tptallyabanrfoned, ieavinL' the capital ajdeadiloa."; Wool and Flax can be groV.nihere cheaply;rtn'd-abund yK'a "the- .'trb.ttble:la$t'rf;ntfi spinninginnd wenVmg'' been,fput;,ih, opVratiOiiT;bolievfc- sbmd?i$' nowcomigyp-frni;St.. lTbms;-'s?An ?nt"t tempto-grbw.OotjdHjs'-likely lo; provd a nururens mifrhts have been. nredictcdJ Uto ymters are long and, cold bere for tlio latitude, and the, Saints must make cloth or skiver. l'trus thdy will Bpon: be'ablprtd clotlie tliemselves. "Sugar is. ano.thbr necessary of life,': miov they have- Tiad'. bad' lucfcritav eangrQ tHo'JSect veryvelt, Ua't'lif ia fiaidtoyieia Ijttlb'or no sugurbecansd,-it sugurbecansd,-it is,, supposed, of ? an excess 'Of alkali in, the. soil; TlidSorghum lias no'tyctbeen' lar.n,e-.tpwoch:accountbut,itt'it Common Ikown.Sugar-selOierd af "COo" per. lbcpffeoi, nh6ut,i.tlie vSamef in', the newer alemcnt?, :thdy are ofcoiirsdiiU H'".. AH.drisbi, mpor'tedr goods! WW!spr .tosixtor -"eight tlmWfr prices th tlietates; evenQack if41elv" nes so-called) ;and;ycllow'-covtedt.NdV-i;fKarrv0la fnblefthe prices- borne 'on, their labela-or C(n-ers(-': '"Con$tder?tkatithe pe;opltf camekither PVer.vtn thdusa-d 1011633101 dert;,nfter.reachmffthe Missouri, Khichwas manV hundroda if not thousands pennies, from their former i homos-ttha-they generally rea'ched these vallep m Ul0 Fall, which, aflortlcd them exceHent .chflHees o"f starvation before . they could raisd a cropthat tliey have' been TJoastanily infested and beed or stolen; from, by the Indians whose frame. .they killed or'senrcd away; and who feci; that thoy have a right to live- here so1 ; long ns. there are cattle or crops to liv'e on-that these. alleys are lofty, narrow, and parched by intense, drputh from ilny to Kovemberthat, implements and seeds are scarcely to-be obtained short of a three months,jpurney, and then at an enormous cpsb hat they have had onei lycar of virtual and. cosily hostilities with i ! the federal Government, in. which very' little could be done, and Tmprovpmenti i Was out of the qu'c$tio-r-and 1 am ! j amazed that so rauclr has been well done j here in the way of building, tilling, fene-! jug.plantiii.'trees drc. Of course tfna city f is far ahead of any rival, being the spirits jial metropolis and (he earliest eeltled: but I am assured that the valley f Utah t ! Lake U better cultivated than this, though I Irqvq, its county seat,, is far behind this city, Wliich.withjts brpad, regular streets, i reCrpshcd .by fhTiIots. of bright, sparks Jmg, dancing-water, and shaded by rows 1 of youpg but thrifty trees, mafbly tocust and Uuter Cottonwood, is already more I attractive to theyo than an average citv1 of like size-in the Slates, if "Still, the average life in Utah is a Hard one. Many more days' faithful labor are required to support a family! here than in Kaftsas, or any of the States. 1 lie climate is severe nnd canricions-- i now intensely, hot and dry; in Winter cold and stormy; and though cattlo ly allowed to shirk for themselves in tlio valleys, (hey are apt to resent tjie insult by dying. Crickets and grass-hoppers swarm in myriads, nnd often devour all before them. Wood is scarce and poor. Irrigation is laborious and oxpensiver as yet it as not been found practicable to irrigate ir-rigate onq-fourth of the arable land at all. Ultimately, the valleys will be generally irrigated; but .this will require very costly cost-ly dams and canals. Prost is very djs. tractive here; Indian Corn rarely. escapes Has, " , im ivsn il WhU OatsornlErlSte frown at KHt eaal cost pAiWsi.? I h may)b;tiea their aJ hundred, just, such 11 .Heneo, the adults hero generally wear ; tdiLwoVn anxious, look, and many of them i arc. older m frame than in ycam nr.- idenllydmpe it may otlways.be thusi , |