OCR Text |
Show . v '-"'g'-"-"- ' A PttftTttfafoM?.- Woman-rlbe fairtgt work of creation tha edition being extensive, jet no -man'bef without a copy. It I stated 'that the member of a late .court rnartiat'ran up a bill of iTlOOagan't tbe, government for port wine. Ve.f oppose thoge fnen ojfiwar thought they ought tQ" make porif-Aflfej)t porif-Aflfej)t tbielr moutha, : A- rtmaway tblef having applied to a blacks tmhh for work, the latter ahowed hlm aom bandcuffi, anil desired to know If lie made ucK kind of work. ?AVhyJ yea, air,3' said tba other, aeratclilng hi pste, "guess I've Sad a Iiariti In enj." . Ws ouibt not to judge of the merit cf man by. hi great ;qttalltlea, .but'by tbe use wbfeb he 4nakl-thea. ' |