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Show IJ" MT SALT LAKCjpir I -';fflk VA&iTX it aubjeei are V4iti t&',eifettfono eur ftf&fa ia j jpewiitisetici Ttfe shall givj pre- , eedeace to tho jtjdicxi7i as,big one 1 " E the awst important branches 1 1 . , .;ef.e-ur government, It should have, W$ . tiiak, tl first and closest scrutiny. U . Till ckarg e of the Chief Justice in the 'j 1 Jirst .JadiciaL District !9 before us. ;: ' WUh the language and apparent spirit , of it wo, have 110 particular fault to find , Cqpared with what; Wo. have recently ea.ccwomcd to, it is .exceedingly But to judge tho intent wo must e,0oparp the actions with the words hoPr, irt Ma charge, very properly iya that, 4Tho placo at winch the; ' oiece fa, perpetrated; deteraiflea"' the mm d Jiofc that of tho offender's ' ;wiejaqe Now, tho first thing wo. I . fJW jprncnted by the Grand Jury is an 1 ..,-ictkoht against MeKcnzio for ! t erfeitiflg;,, Of the guilt or in-- i . le'aco of this man. wo ore, not tho h -jidges. Jut, so public havo the .facts j .bmme, that wo could not possibly , , id' being judges of the venue in this If McKcnzip has been indicted . jMacipal,- the. ofieupo alleged .must ;jb4ret'be8,'ud Was, If committed at ;mittcd H the, Third Judicial iatrict..! It is: true the jiidgc, .rather ,craf,,in a fbca&cr paragraph, alludes &r 'the pdiisumraation of the pffjencc, 'jsd ethefa acting "in furtherance of' u", $&-. Mwo object xft another county waybeifltakeo, hot: are. under . . '-cpklotx that McKeniip, waS in-;? in-;? ctt aw principal in this case. IE ; ih;bo thc jactjhojvjcan it he argued .tiat'-he consummated his, own offence '-a, district which he had not yet. visit - itfK J(i others consummated, tho affair, ' vthey-hetame accessories lb 'ati;offenco, niriitted by somo.othec purty, and the venue, in their case "must ho rnado to,c4n'fortij;,tqr that ,o' thp priiicipai jBut-il Hclvogzi&ita's tho accessory,-; mimii i i'4:d.pgTo:$ther'. grounds .could- they - wkerO i are the principals and. why ycreJthey; ,not arraigned? The ppefl-' ppefl-' 4iar materials, of which tho Court at :jTcphi was .compQsed might, deserve .a .aihg;O0imcnt,Vwcrr it much dtffcr-(entj'to.what-wo have" for .a while back: ;bejnsedr to seci Suffice to say ipaEioyd and. vicinity appear to a -ao(turhished tho usual, supply of. . gamblers., .and' camp-followers, for . ipty' marshal?, haUUTs, jurors and :vwitne"sB.os. And thia is;called for Utah & Oourt wheroin to expose. crim"o and jC-; . administer: .justice! lT6 coritmu'o thV A ''administration of justice commenced' iV-f" ditrjdt. by pM0i' ' 3Se ckcls alisv !fo 4o)Jiberated B?JW Mbxo,rahd ttookm-glass in -1?' brder to 'parade? t&m' wfl'Scannot:ut-v;prcsume wfl'Scannot:ut-v;prcsume befpre.";thouhic ; gazoroaico. 1 . - ;nd.paing, tfofnoys: .f or .doiiiff v . "Hothing,, and againbrn the; savages ; ,'IP.pso upon. uV'ggravated. J andraad-' ' 15 : y toffe! Legislature Is, charged , wlth Interfering with the courso.of jus-".;' jus-".;' ilMrthrough 'not- providing a proper s-A' fjeejbntj The judiciary have, charged' jV!'om", 3utTook t tho facts. L'X 0?1? month.havo, our sheriffs, Jf. lr'a,afterbeing. judidally assigned to the "J" ahk.of jcqmm.onjailersheen burthen' ; ;Vv,jTedi: ind',otir. county, jails filled vritbV v ' parties; charged with crime, at tho ox "'pens'o -of, tho citizens;, while, instead of, . ?-'aUending .to their duties, aud giving the ''parBes a uspeedy" trial'" our Judges' . :Are;fouhd: about their charnbers, or in v ?.Oarop';T'ldyd.yhat,. has. beott;fth8 . . .'Courscfof the gudges to gaihihoconfii c idenco and : esteem pt tho dUzcnsslnco! ;' ; eycamo to, Utah? Thoy'talfe, tcr.be ure, frbrn -tho honcho .toajntaming f jdignlty:o tho; Courtji and their.jov - tenninatibn:toietTet:o , gome ' :;ft them, tooVmako firJc oteept jipceclir 1 ;ffdmiutrdcd - :'- -' . i,.- . t.1?'' . 51 ""'' . " ... r . jj. .--: : . - - - ; . '' ' -a- ' IK: v thij ara: JtWwa Me. Whni Ntf' Mt trttyWlwffe jujciiettoii wt fcfy law, km or reto iwyiisdfy mdf usittitk to asn'aisMr jtotid their hasdc arc paralited by tke su-priee" su-priee" jadteitry, ad th felotf, pc-rehaae, pc-rehaae, ecap. There was a tiae when b Federal jadiciary fearletaly did thoir duty' here and Were rejected. Iji that day gohe by forever? Wo could say much wore on this subject, but there are tow local sitters sit-ters we wish to say a few faord$ about. What is tho reason that we can ho longer issue a sheet, wiihout a bloody corner Is found in it? Whence these nightly riots, and galloping up and down pursuits at bed-time, of drtfnk-en drtfnk-en .horsdmen Joy platoons? . S) henco this perpetual pistol-drawings pistol-shooting pistol-shooting and yelling through our streets? It is time thee thingsfwero stopped To become a common brawl er, and drunken ribter is a disgrace to a baibarian, and how much more a disgrace dis-grace to one who assumes tho name and form of civilization, be ho: Jew orGfcn-tilo. orGfcn-tilo. Kq man who has any respect for himself will, either by associating himself him-self with a gang oE mounted brawlers, or by horrifying tho very air with his pistol-shots and hideous yells,, make romcn arid children shlvor in their hods, and break ,yn upon tho peaco and silence of Iho olty, If, such there bo, who, must shoot, who rniiSt yell, who must gallop In troops, h rem away to tho far-off hills and ask tho wolves to join their chorus. But murder, ijold-bloodcd dastardly dastard-ly murderl There is no excuse for it in the Tolmnea, of Heaven or earth. And when murder is1 done, lot tho holy law, eternal and unchangeublej tho law alike of Gpd,and man,, ho magnified, and. the mwderer p.aythe penalty, what-evcrhis what-evcrhis profession: pt prefdnsioris, 'J-, RoVengo. is este)e.mcd.ono .of;tjbo virr tucs of tlip.barhai-iani. .By civiiizcd man it should ho esteemed a vicol , To the Almighty belongs tho, right li'to ayengc. Tp man) as his agent, hehas .wUdoni to ynact laws, for the punilnmenTpl1$ uon of thopeacorand happiness of society. so-ciety. The upright man. will honor .and not tramplfr.upon thoso laws. Yet for recnge, open revenge, there may be, though npt an apology, a- rnqrclful pailiaf)on On XftjnDt;bIack-iced, 'giaro-eye(niuRDEn, wo set pur heavy hee. Eor lfrpero ;can ho neither excuse jtbf palliation; and . blood, blood .only canroleanse the blpodyhandt; ' 5 , iFellov;itJrorisy, ypu -havofit m yout; p6werrby:Iwfuieans toJc correcV or jremoe'thes buses(: VSetto; wpr innjdto dbd,oE;5pTac Hahpno!' castb, .pr::'8uitl: ifferonco. must.v : heaviest; pen'alty'f all t ,npons iihbsVwhp havlngivedSherol bo po muHho'mofp |