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Show HoMis.STBADf .T-'JPho qPcStiohhas often been; asked, tus, Why has'thp Iegstature not 'pas3b.jK.laTV 'from exor cutionpqeyteasotthe citizens of Utah? Wo-haytf invariably answered, j tit oull'iKf Knfotk ef flppfWrogiirs W; Clusfi.sbiMf, mtyrieeil n falon, owttb-uli siy Jlla't the tcgiabWurb is jiotWK tmtlttit actuaiirphibitcdf,by,;M prgaSife.act, omfssing a,lar;ilfect ingjtWTight of ihb; Bbik $ he sti VS rmVbP" asked " answered,. In p-1 gar;d tp thb right pt soj.l in Jltah Term toryv It.liejinthp gpyejrjiment of thp United tatej.1 ptfcorp'fthe lanV is bona fide thb property of the citixens.5; $hpn Jiow cap thp Ipislatiir pswaittt-a'ct pswaittt-a'ct ieiompxing frbm exfecutipn: that ovbr-wiiich ihey: w tlioir c6nti$upht ,httvb;-iio control. Thi,, to the mindi p'f inaby. TOtty xial bb sttfticibntly! ptami, tChpn wo present ifc manbthpr n, Jhe Jicgialatjire pxempt mpraVemeijts. bit' 'latins that; ato, npi pwftedby thp cUisons? o,.theyjcann"o "Iho. game right' ttj ricctjpap?y tlisft'Sc Jongs ib an lnividlibl on Sraeof hisj ojvn idndjjeid in Jcc simplC belpng als tp ;thoC gbyprnmcnt bn-theppblifi domain Whoev'ci' attempts tofcus.e1 flccbpiint Fr'bri. his poslbtpii crhmnfc; .lands, sxeept: by art act -'at Congress, ad ji .ilip J'aijie thp 3? isidenbE tthe United .States, is a tycX-pasfeen tycX-pasfeen and can iPwFulJybb iresistedjtti suehj,, inlidtfjcjnsVlcri? tui trnstpn:. , . Ifespdefuttidns may appear strangp tb ;fipmpJthpx.afor! 'ucvesUjc'less; traeij i Iamfbstcadxemplttpasv ; fnosrbt .fh'l'tatcs . ?Jheti'jiQhs;w the lpndi ami-the Icglsiatorbcbwo Wprosbnlativpl; oE thtrcpnifituprtt?i; hji've, a right;to;wpmpt-.cbrtaln property; .rrpm'-pgecution- ?i!hu:'1ri9dbm bf iitt. mnjpty)o ,fegt&Iatorf induces tlipm.Lt iVb:tp;tito.f;' Jiiamijy tbb librnp-itgad.; librnp-itgad.; AVt Tj aat&ntlb:Jafc-pc ;lic,? .and Jrecbminend )hb L"glpt'ur pb' pnttiBici W.ferOti'ndMttt'il c(iupprt.pst:p.ujurjit;mab .fbrrp qn'ppspjli tfib'u'ii'pfe'ffbiP '"thv?f pubXp. "jfj lihV a pebplp's ppmer' will furpwh oppby canity f or iho appcaTSuco PJE manyj. in. tfemtingtliottghf and miicli.;u'sefuV In-pnriatipffif In-pnriatipffif ?,,Wc, risli, ts tbccpinp ,nc' qtjaihted'withl tlieititnd.b.thp'iuHlm what: tlfcy -know, what ;te in-tlremi hqi thoy; aVb lhitikittg; abbut,,2Khat their, pperieVcft.apd rpiniousrare .ncpiruuig bbaif gb 'Siiy'sff Mp cinT anit wo wjJlidpMYhateicybitf prbroptp.it-.fj.Sen ca'tibttshon; and j; Redeem thomab'i prpprialbithe; ta)s; iPalr -). |