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Show A KOLANJ) EOit AN OLIVER. X. good anoddoto ia; told, of lfra, Patterson of Baltimore, tho American lady connected, with . tho Botiaparte f family hy marriage. JJcing in Italy, at an evening-party, it fell tp ner lot; 4 to.bo handed in; to tlm supper-table by a i Jyoung English noblctnatti who' bad a good share of. tbp puppy in bis compo sition. Thinking to quiz the old lady, ho said? "You are acquainted Witb tho' ; Americans,! Irairovl)?9 "Very well.7'! " A mpnstrously Vulgar people, arcnft they?" "Yes, buwbat could you expect, ex-pect, when you consider jbat.thoy are descended from thpEnglish? Had thtir prbgenitors, now, been Italians, or Spaniards, wo might look for Bomo t gbod-breeding among thcm,n Tjtp nobleman did not venture tp- address 1 Mrs. Patterson again that of fining. |