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Show v v'. MEXi'qo.'" v 4"'i!' : ,Tho corrcsponiacntof IhoNtXiTtrrtM; writing froiii Monterey, reports tlie existence exist-ence of many petty jealousies and divisions in the liberal, ranks? It was feared that the church party would mako.nh "attack oil the cityr nuil,.if successful,, tlrntV very sovcrc.reyengo would be. takquforAtho former opposition of the inhabitants to the clergy,- Considerable alarm existed iu consequence. Generals Laza and Uragawero, marching march-ing rapjdly Jrpm ' Matahuln and Tula, as was also GenCarvajul from v ictoria, to intercept Miramon's expedition against Yera Or'ni. The Vera Cruz correspondent of the Picayune says that 4,500 men under Mo-rchij Mo-rchij nud 4000 underjAlvarez, were marching march-ing oil the'eapitaf. The liberals were besieging be-sieging Gandalajara. Gen. Degollado had gone to Puebla to dircc't-tiic movements of, the liberals, and was 'confident Of defeating Miraraon. The latter's wife accompanies the, expedition ngainst'Vera'Crazaud It is'supposcd that in the event of his defeat, it Is Jiis intention inten-tion to qnit the country. . Tliit Flag says,-dispatches nad been re? celvod on, the, night of tho.,4tli lust., from Col. Ford, stating thai' tlie steamer Ranclicrb Intd been 'attacked abput 'SG miles ,aoovc BrOwnsville'nt 2 p.m. of the '4th ihsW by Mexicans on the Mexican.side of the rvcr;.and that a most intense excitement excite-ment prevails ou the Rio Grande that theauthorities of MatanibraR liavc sent dutr two" or thrce.nrmed'particrtp'Joii? fn the fight; that Cot.. Lockridge had started out to, join Major Ford with twenty-five more volunteers, and that "now the war :is there considered as actually commenced between tho Mexicans and A.mericnns; The next news is. looked for with exciting interest- Mr, Navorro, one of Gcueral Houston's Comniissibiicrs,; sent to Cdrtfuas, started for Austin oif tho" 6ti inst., "Avbtld Mr, Taylor, the other Commissioner, decided to remain. Brownsville Texas, advices to the 9th inst., are received. Important unpublished disclosures had been made as to the complicity com-plicity of the Mexican authorities with Cortiuiii' which, it; was believed, would decide the question of war. The Times Washington correspondent write9, Fob. 19 as follows: It was determined de-termined lii the" Cabinet 6i Tuesday last to order Coir FanntJe'roy to march the U, SS". ilroops Into' Chihuahua for tho protection pro-tection of American citizens against outlaws from Durango, but the order has nojt yet been Issued.' It may be In con- Rtqncnco jor tho absonco of Secretary FloydVrora the Denartrtcnt- tibcfe wi3 that t,W Americana; are; befero this ttie in Sonora in ppsscssion of tho Government Go-vernment of that State, The AdrnfofstratiOB Kave ot Wmj slight-esf slight-esf Idea, or tssing tnstractloas the Iftndiag ot troops 4tc, atjtcra. JDravw having anything tq do With the Miraraon Guarantees. ' " |