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Show Suddenly, at h! residence; fn tldo city, Dr. Wm, TbanOs, on tbe 19th, lrist.,;at CVclock, a in., otiileuro pneiimonlii. Drsr Wnir Ander-, son and Jno, Kay jiiado a postmortem exatnlt nation of tbe bod ; the rcsnU wng, they foond the lower part of th6 pleura was Inflamed and filled with fulso membrancJ, and the, lower part of.ihe left ob of tlie Iuiir liepntltciL Dr.-Franco Dr.-Franco wa n native of KlddermfnUter,.Eng. ldod,"and..C6rn JuTy,J4tli,: R14' lie was cn-iSftgedftAsurKcon.ona cn-iSftgedftAsurKcon.ona whalljig expedition In ) fcMMO; he Iwent os far north as 83 GOV- lie gnuluated an a physician ami nirfteon at QIua-RtV, QIua-RtV, fcotkhd, to 1841; be rccclvad.ttiti'goirel In ISoHand came to this valley In 1805. l)r, France, m n pUj'ifdin, nnd, Horgeon' bacV-fow equals; as a ftlcnd, htf wiis couflillng; iU a cam-panlon, cam-panlon, kind arid , affec'tiooate; ns a. neighbor, faultlcsv, and. as a believer 1ft the gospej, tih' wavering 'Ills funeral took place on the 21st; just prior to the.funeraMeavlnir.tlio house, addresses ad-dresses 'were -delivered by Elders Hyde , and Tnylorl - UU remains, vrhlch were' Interred In the public,, ccmptery, were follojcd"to their final resting' place, by' a numerous- circle of friends and acquaintances'. ' The' doctor leaves a wife, but no children, t o deplore this domesiio bereavement. Com. , "ICanida and Liverpool papers, please copy; " ' j |