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Show I ineye.Hjrtft'g')atfidqbi o?. pature lia I iftfliqWatfbaartijToc " 7- - W?' vlk5,?A jiiVgerquantUica,' and4't 'f?,VCfJW;t4j.bticn; Disrdf"thorcV ? ,r- MHWW.'Jjf try for;tbc:irtoquar-; ; ,fXrglj,accolJjpliSlipdr jfojr thtivcaee.'nL'ttiMO r, . thaanUlJqps, pf;lUuld' 3Usold !at. a V'hquw; and at ari-cxpeos'p hierdy ndtofnalf V. lffx 1 WusaXd rfialTbWsiiwl' 'U'i&U: .digest . v;4tvelb,4oii4,o arto 6'W orfliiSt'cock I entfoUrXoubatrd. confertrii; jinto '-1.7;ftatolUo;iafor, (ho .iridqstjpccula M - ' tionsydn'r . tenders aropetliaiyrf si'ffa; "A; t,a'Ter!'?argq;pbrU6a,of"burglbbo;ra &j cbetnlcat imbip'ations. DrtKi ,5$ fcalccs aii-artlcrtbCplaal! wbl9 ; liQJflhanltIip pttresrliriaii atcB'be ; , riabfoiori by vrtfxf mreS wjUffp M ;:'iog5ffif .niftVlQ? arpajidiploj ..- lriajipiltarg.it'atatt " J-?'.urnlaUc4flBas6:"- prbba ..iHattoaVtiCVtirOlnaryand? ..fiurblfi,- R,tJiO!?e., ft' "maflo itafi&feitW .iho' - WdegUfllfttv a.ad.aV prlcesIeb'tbaa tfio ... .fibeapcsbtieic.'-i.yodr partore-tnay! bo S i l iP'mrsi... W widpabtedlji' im ' wtpniccqscd. a ilio eatacoaibj of M HBPUt!i9 outwit. iat I - " -TV ' ' Thus- liqttid qliarfs la" alo made tout paintiticoiubustibl and orblc. Yonr ahfiaud - jSUamboata uff nipt burn op, and '.to tnc!i03t Wilt b& as iafd' from fire as the marble palace. This ttems almost like tU fables or the Arabia Kfght,-yct it cannot be 6tbcrwisi tban true, JFor.disioIflng gold bearing quarto, tfil itiyentlou'a Tlua ij without limit. Every atom' of gold may be precipitated, nud sarcd. and tben the. liquid ja of far more faluc tliatt.the whole thmgha coot: Think of-oneroatiroti tnonarch digesting tf islvo ;.tona, of flint hi twenty-Four .bonra. iVI I Corrapmctenl of .eiV.. 0 iSatyanc, |