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Show apply Of IH, OOPPBIt, S If BET Aadbefajt. fully prepsdvwlih Tools, arid ,firt.f meckanles, riesptoiruiry AiK llielroW friend to call and them Btrtl renew their patf&fis, nd faViVtbote who haTndrulircri thelf tt.k arid nchlcI .k ill a trial, to tall attd VJ8" ,,,e't h favofanlo atlendoa of tlItfrWajhf, ind'ilie patKe trf general, to tbrif -tarieiyof - . " ' - r-AHp IlAttDWARBj. -i lo llietf te(roca s ' - ' ,aa alo ib fielr choice eoljeeilon hi' V t, " , ' ;QiRQ CERtES WINKS', BHAttDY. lo -Wit wholesale orretali,,at,Wprk. P,S.-.Tl(pHhUe ares re,pclfltilyj Informed (hat the jMiKMbW forrlyAtdVerlista.betweeri nfiejyes and Mr Falfcr w ttdtrebr ari error. P.1?!! Prtir,fp: eyeS eitsteandr will we H foany way responsible fdrany of , Mr; falets trnaMiclkiiiv ' ' .- J- All BaymtftM, In money or otherwise, rodst d meo DdMin Ay br-lds perSoh'af order, Wlllre?eWer owendbrsrrnei. , 6'xt , . , ' .AMY itsMim BEGS leavo-, respectfully, id re'lurri Ma a att f Of 't;jtatroii e;,extnded to, htm aurlng llie pastlwo yfsrjr, and hdhey by cohliiiu ir, lo snppiy; w firit'te.q"IUy of IIATS, to Wrtlt m jaefeMa'DtpatroMgelaJhefBtute,, ., Pfodaee taken M exchsrfieW (lalk: A ;Wanli-roxi Wolf; nd-B?aver Sultiss also Wool, f or ;Whlch.' goedKoe wiU.be grten, .. ' Glv bw i, calt,- and aseottrsii ilopie Slanu tactiim., " ?.1 ' Re Wsnce 1411 TVVd, !lU "door Wist of Court Hoiije.. ' 5,25-iif., , &4ee Aiitf - JiuicJttt Kniveti'prunitttf 4 RESP.EQraWY bflfert ,hti "sertless to the cltiirn of Utib. and vvill be prepared promdlyJn execute all Orders .cptriinl ud; to .his caio. Atnorig otlirrjiaf ts of liis profrs)oii,lie Is np( saf rm.sseil in Ue. Ilepslrfrisfof Kbernd gflndbg artdjseitinj; Rtroie.aud Scissors, aliurpenlnjt .afcd. selling Sawtanil Vengenefal vsrlety of job-woru.. .All,kitd,,f loafs, ground arjd'Ml.i'roiIuee.lskoB.I; , Afow old Carrfsge. Soring wanted ' ,;: J C can be fonnS at Pr otl4en't "young Blscli. atalthghop,, or "M hU."residnce, "a .bjoelt'and a tralfeaslpf Ui?fihAVrdSctpel-bous,29-tt . ' THK'anderrtgnel;bayefo'eh4.'att'iExchap Store,;at tbeT-j!Wstaod Qccnpled by.. John Toblo next do6r.fd Gilbert OlemenVs" well; known Stores Where-wo wiH buy,. eellj and ex charge- aU.kliidj of .Home Manufactures and Vnrxluo. , 7. "' ' , ,BdJIy' Drtt Whiskey foe Eal. wholesale awMetsd. , BOWltlNG te. tJOi : q&lCMy, April 501860,' " 35,tf ri-vvam. on vxn wcJdktmUi BEG respectfully to Inform thdr frfends :tkrouRhout;tberTerrltorj'orlJuhr'that they h'vo'etablih'(, and have-In uceejsful dpera Hon, at-PAYSON, In TJth County) '"ti1 , . - AKiFXJSMSITE-'-- -. fn :altsubraehMf .an,3 ,Iso' la Vjjnjf if UlE '8HQP on; "a-jMfcVaud .superior aeali. Tbey, ,att, jisreXoiejrf ij ly prepared jto. proiriptli' txi-r cul all order a fojjlte, cree,tirt;ad corapleiloit of Tlirilipg, SUihglft ganaajie, ,LwiK.Combi iidSl( PfKjSacbinw ,lidall; kinds .of 3fa? Utw;,wl?rk''ibat.ryabeTitJlred.f.i ry descrfptfoti.pJfurnilure.rDPdft o order. HorseeVrKules andoxap sbodior:1'1; shortest -otir:gy; j&f'V'iiii- , waegorana Carnages made, and repaired. AU klra' ot:A'Tnlrg:. Jbftlron,.) Wood, and evey decrlplloii of Cooper ware made to order. Stock, Produce, icetiken Jor pay, end cash not refused. , j&a& 30,tf WWW BEGSostVespectfully to tbank.hls. friends an'd .thW.pAibH'e. generally for past pat roiisgejiand joliciia'an'. Inapectlon- of 'his pre-sent pre-sent etock of "Cra'ckeri tc "of tha ditfrent k'tttd,,of.'.vhlcb,'VU.;i -Wdk. Crackre, Butter Crickeie. Boston. Crackers and Hard Bread, he baa a large quantity fllways otf hamUso tint i emliraht nd bihera-can hiu supplied with a clioicelpcb of the etaffrf:lirf?pltBufetiired of I the bet material,' and" at; hioiltrato prlcei, at a fnoment,eJoltca.', iJ:?'I n i-t;.- r - "'FINE X10HTJ BREAD 1 Hot ato p.m. every: day- Pound CakeWtddiKg CaklsJSuRiCmckersf Cakes, BonsAHrtetliy, 1 wne,7a'iitbdyipep(lc aud aoda CrcktrW made to ionter on ihortaioCeeif " ( . 1 f Jtye Bread three Unies a week. - 3CMf ! .... '. .'. -' v -'",;.- g j SO WETWIxVt -ISfBTIK Jl8 " UTAH. ! 10,Oorjtr.BS, iYiVR?fVAlfTED !! JAMES JDOVp, halpC urchae'd new and improved rnsclilnery'U prepared to make. , Stockings.5' So'ek'Ml.'U; WdJe'?ai.d Genu' Jackets, Lsdiea Hoods, Stc.t &eK fje wijj purchase 'parties' material, or work St tip on share,; j For, work, all kind, of produce taken, f " Kil JAMES-DOYJEMalrf Street 24.3m Dne-door soutli of Fell &. Allen'. life, -' - - - .w? v. zqoums, HOtJBErn SIQN. CAKRIAOE.;, AND ; , OKSAMSNTAB PAtNIU fillOP Kest door north of fiedrga Csonyn'a iitore, Essl Temple Slrest '9'" I'mssMsV ' .Va's-'twat'i'oW,.J ,; , Setii"' WA' -"Ni'' CAitRlAote . .JMfAKKR.' CARIENTfeR AKri ttoUSE JOINER EiiloitAjiosf aRiit aEPAIfis'p7ojiiJy MCBtei, olwsme.aeslff I'll bcW, atoTs And 'SsHioes, Irs' KxcifAa: jptii ipricA'r. WE- will tskt 'heat n escbarge orgeat, at, tho same Mies as Wi are, now stlllo; fdr'caehv , ' Ytt ileaiVe on band BOOTS, SHOES, & LEATHER, which w: M exchange for Wheat, Barley, Oits-i Poratoes, ic, . ., . ,-.., Call and e us at'.,Wuillae'tV old Stand, .qn Bast Temple Street, ; ' , , ' , .". (glIldi(;nAtk: srVd Off .wsfded, for' wWe.h tfaa ttiehtst ptfee Will l. paid. , -h 4:tt . . CUMMIN 09 Si JONES. , f otAUVE OIiI VE 'i WOOi.n rMeiroH I'tifJtm tM ftttnH ifcsifoir rei hiM n.nh .t 'hls. OLB STA.1B. EAT TEMrtESTREKT. ' " At'TrtB airORTESTOTICfi.; A fto fn0tr .1 CrTllSituHaMelofirant, 4tr rt4 ' . . Buckln' lnt, Col(,f &c md to.o(dM, iTett Yaiternsu te,lalsst iMdB. j , . , , ' ; Cuiun ildne 'ta ohteri CHANGES HKASOjt ARLt tt sOtjo wonliitiaTtj-t.lli.a:1 Ltf ' ' '", " OJUAtr ' ' "t ;Jf,AlWKS Jt,K.s, 1 -lx. UAmXET MAKBtis VPJiai&TkliER; Second door o'uthjqtiS.ur veyor GenerM VOfHeej Jm west tmplr sIreet-; MHiiHBDH' prepared "to eiecut'.sll orders enlfusttd to fclfti Ia"a.0ftishedj:workmaiii' Ilaeirienn, IlelbftsqnJwtid.ajHrijiittppIy'.of wehiV'ond .oilntairi'MihoganyyBud vlil ' furpIsb.tq'orderrVinplly:; V '';iH';r andeyery-'artlile lit fataifthe to fi'ratify? thentost faattoloiif laste"; '; D 1ST I L L 15 R ' . fpf HE undertftfued,, tetnmlftjf ,tlaoks'ftjfiili,a ,X tlbijrit pa.tronago of til irietidf her.etofo'i, hegsjo.assitr tbetnitljat it"U!,stiU'qn band at his residence, riear tne Otn PTfxatr,iH the lOib; .Wardj'a superior Jfi '""'v GRAIN WHiSKX, Also; prepated. byldinielf and warranted. a dillctous article of to? " " ' 1 ; V f? 0iBp)rtlDaA-I " ;'?; "The di'tneryjs nndrcefcow "auptitUridei:ce;of Ibeprdptretorir Who hoWs ' himself res'pon$Ihle-,that.nq)..delteriiius matter 1 liitroju'd;1t!0 hlj" liiiuor elthar li the afoUl-lai afoUl-lai tonr tectjf ifinit heteof ;.;;JHi!s" ib'tig espirlence ' Iritfie buifnesa' ba;pre"pared htnt'j tos.teehipie : ..wlJh'.lhe best profensora In the art. ' -V Terip', $4p CWHit'Jtel&iL; , A.libfril.dfauction.made to Cliy and Country Dete,rs, and , to Oioaawbs'pmchase ,lii Jaree ; Auantttie. J r .v , St-tf, , GEORGE BADDLEV' MW -tAIlORIKC- iSTABLISjHUe!... i?V THIRKIWV & SPflOAT ;? BEG reipectf olly'to inform, the(lnhablian(of. this city that-th'ey .havp coirfmnice'd' fiusl-r fiusl-r nes5 inttter!snsl6're uerih dr,GEQRpE GOD. DARD'S, Esat. Temple Street? wbVre tfiey; will toer-aSupply.ofvGpODS, suitable' far'.Coata and.raritaloons)tlwa'yis'ph-band. ,v7 V ' " , e "Faficy iJueksklrll,,C6ata atid', PAritir" '.msdeln I ,ordr,;v-A- Xood' siipply 'of REAOY.'MAUEl CLOTHING always on haiid.'" " : " 'Cnilittt done'. '"Termireasonablej ..f,30.3m ' THErgwrPMtf aftesjiecffdliy Informed thst-nHe--8ld-bouse I ktattf OPENED sud teadyto.reMjve. -Ut.wlI; fox ojjduqti4 on Uie pjiucipie qt apay jRjp what you call for, and at flny.refisqnai.hvbflcir ineaJ can bo pro, cored s pe"tBitl of Fare; :H most", tbetcrorerbe evident .thtiJLless n be neemfnpdat''d n this democ'raili, ptatfotm.iv. The Farmer, Me-5 cbantcrid.Mercb'ant WH1 find.tl.n pleasant: resort;.A"f 5'-'? U-;;- - f rtjWiv Onelarge.Cupilaa cr Coffee, . $ttl BreodFjnd:Buttr;a ? , , . i.;p 10; Porter Hou';Ste"sk (141. -;Mutton;" Chopyi.1 i-: -v- flao. tf. , .Tripaiytyi 4 - -..V.Ojtr HamahdJJfrgt - ' .... 0 37$ Eags.sny;tylepaf6r fjf-'.i 0. 12 Crsckersand Chesto - I 1ft Ufa offpiy's B -e .1 , v VI-1 fc;i'iRe$uhT,l)innif a;J Vfodror4) y-rf Me'ts,Vegetabe,Bread,Bulter,PastfylO 50 ' 'OPEK ONISUltoAYSp A:$iSM?& tC,."iy-" - File'" of-Home, and Fortlgn. Papers, free to patrontf-t' 1v ' Confectionery always on band. Bath Buus frtuh" every dsyA Candiea and, Cigar.'. FARMERS--1 Will-exctiang Willi you by giving -'hi cooked for the jinoooked in.a com forlable place; Itaua rellevlnj; many of a (Treat burden -i:35'lf J -DAVID, CAN'BlfAND. ; OltBERT & QEERISH, i UAVE. just 'received LARGE STOCK of u. t ' f SUPERIOR SELECTED t MERCILIlNDISE. ric;vAsorimeiiis chosois express '"i;1for- the Utnh market, rnllEYbsve msrked tieir goods f Uie 'fr jLOWEJSy FIGURES. and sssure the public that they-are prepared to, and will? t ueeessjlullyeompeta with' any' bouse la tba Territory jn quiljtjf and, prica. E9"Country dealers SoppHed'at a liberal afaccunt. t ?-if GILBERT & fJERRIsn. NEW" SADD&SK'S SHOP.nrT QN Ksst Temple Slreef, nest door South; of Gilbert aud Gerrlh's, Orders executed prompt y, S4tsfsttqrily. Collars carefully fitted. Giy ilf a p,alj'.,' . C4ET XOUIt MtXEr HAcft.., ' jhHB nndersigned b'avo opened Si NE W I tit0 R.E, in j?a iNaioir; ,Atis co Utti yrua ifiisitt abj6 sritfiel,, DRY GOODS; O , GR0 CETIIES bUecMMwarc. Iareiwt'r'y Bts Shoeii, Hats, ttMrf K cm sly Maele . j- , CtethlH, - ' r & JUDSON' I-; Stodijaro; ! V .' ' ' THOMAS SMITH, i . t 7 . LEONARD G;RICEV , ,. FsrmIngfon pavls.Co; 1 . ;lO-tt j ,.- ' -l1:- y - S0HE1II1N I'm OtMC SNIDEItfS bwEUSAT, STORE. "l,rY frlsndsftlirougbmit the, Tetniory Will Mil "ple.lsa.tak-inoilcef,i(ial iUfConflectioivwilh W L.umr BbsliitssJ 1 h'arV now opened a STORE for tbs pfirtliaie ahdae of COyNTUV POOUCE qt elUfttdsittcladlng ii, ' WIJ'TtTJJfEIt' it0V' .WheiejT, oairhayV.o'niy i bes oCtaeaC 'it have, aila'clied H y. V" wber; I, arq ferepsrod Jd.fiirnlsh ill,atftcjes( in friy()irnpf,bui(lqeJi!f tUe.bet pf;j,aiqer,nt;as Short hotic.e. iaud .aa reatpnhle as' tan", be af tordedr Cslf aa'frV.';V "? ' .S.;C;NfDER? . . ' .', Attl same- Oliliplae In MthrWard, ific JiaiAEi;'s3t.'"4' i'.t"'.--" :f-f'-'-viv- "VvmS. 'XX?Er"vf3ast received. ifont'Caiifornliroae YV.i;?qf tb, DstaijortedSjdeks of; ' ' ' . everbrqugtftyq thls maltket consisitng fit part, of i ; KAIIIES' 'lOiRES'S !G6'ODS i)Ria& Tinii3riNGs, shavls, ,. "i;pAKS, pi?NEl R1BB6NS; Etiibroiacvlcs, jilliiucry Goqdi; .jf.Iosic's-y. Glove's, Pat. LcaticL' ' ..Jr. anslSllte'Bcltsljjdo 71;-" r'-.!)f M'i -VVr1!-' vi--t'''i . Which wllIbavoU' qu;r ua"ua('LowPries. rfqlrouWe to abo'w goodsi'-'.'V,'!," ' , t - - if i-j; jjKlMBALL' t C07 ;l " ADlh1sr-Fni SIlOEi" Visr. iiiorit XJ msnt'jVatr'ieelVedair '.i'M "'.''0 c. - KIMBALL &. COifo 'EAT.TBAiX.fln4if.l JXahdYdutig.lIyionjuat; "received aC Utt.Vi sk'KIMBALL& CO.'S.-, ---y , ' ; f .-r;,';-- T ; ''THE, "DESEET "sBcVZali BJuOSi ' : ;, 0M AS THE - ROSE' V':' ' ' , - . . -' , v . v ' yiit THE, subscriber , has; a cbt)Ice'colectiqr( of SEEOS'iiive.d frpm thoje splendid dowers failed, by blm, and exhlifed at ihVlat; Fair; .which he how ofler, vol thet rovers of beauty ahd lragrsii,ce,Jiippn-r-asoi)aliIn termsr Among thtrh may be, fonnd. many of rFlora'a choicest trea-ures, trea-ures, such .. as, Ba-aini,,' China and German A'fers, beaUtlftjl 2 ririTAsjV Candy tjtf lv vaIOu colors; iPorUhwi lt(itJ!ar':Creopiis'-FrncE indAf'lesa Mar golds; ahd.ciriy other' choice; -k'P.'t1-; d d'f-i if? (? ZfaJlJ' '."f ' LA-jto- i!W-e.ni!Wj;??ertment of,, choice jame RosejCaHirga'h Graft; .aMongl' tb'em.may be runaUv'.thei,Q'ieeh Ofllie PrarrlefSilperVCUinbert Bl'rnoteHe.lteJ .Persian, t.Y,eijQw;n;Midmi tyt Ji? uftS"f a i fC? -Whiles. Mrs. Also, 'tinny 'cholcef'yegetabie'eeeilsi Vileed frojneed!fmnbrtdTiy'rae.fr6m'nbo States last 'sessonj tejjether; wlih-roaby rother. 'things la my line; of busioess. , ' ' j , - t- 33.;f - ; ' crrAs. 11, 'clLmii'ANT; , l orrTiii: OITI ;beef,ry. BF.GS'resptclfuJIyto call the altentlan ofJ the public jtf his ; MASSXifa anx,XfAK, 1 wfilcj) is the bojl in 'Utah; He har tecently mSde exfenslve improvements on bis premise j -Tuo MacJii Eatf uud Half a BUelk South at POST OFFICE, where, wllh thendvaulsgeeof aeupcrior Matti HOUSB, KlLN,nda fast grinding MALT .MILL; and.havIogepgtttedagDodDatch Brewer ( who ha Jiad long expeileoce in Pl.llad-lni.u and o!ner,larRe;eIliej WmaVerand brewer, be.nf iffivr to Ihe public firstrate art ifIet Vr "Xjtctbxr a3ec23c cfcj SU.0 W.elets! or Rtilt also, Small or Table R, ' .ndYinfRar.all.qf which, he keep, iw, "' hand, so aa to be abw promptly to till .ft X" order. With which hU" Wendf and pat on " favor hfro. "v 22g!3f Ba,M - ia.-Otafe; giving to familleJ'.n oZrlT0, brewing for themselvea, and tharaM ' r of good and pure arUcf of beer. y ,MU'i''K " He can always be'found at 1.1, oij ilan, I Yesat Days, Tud.y. ,ud Frid;y,",n1 ' ' ITProdoe. o all kirj. Ukt A. .Corner o rjmAd 2ad I AH pefrsons. Indebted to mefof inVlV-f , H rylrnda.s'" I '' bentaTL- Ami 5 jTiHE tfn'dersigqed fiis recelvVi an M ' . . $ M A- of Sto-cton'i'fcilebrited lUTrpu1- M WHbm.??M l.Ajrieric SodEigKUEirrg' B . snow prepared M mods ,ucb my caltohlm. wute'-' Id a full, ortCold Pfsfea " ' w'l6 If,lB' " 0:;A bock" s3riTifi;. I lHOl. El.t TtEMPI.1; s-Rtict 1 -"' KffifrttJfe 4a-r." fcBHHpBssassBsBaBsssP BF v- 1611 'r A" ffiVt 1 " t"Vo'VIEl,iA'M DERkC;;-H turlna rOMBS;t,'j!l; Residence' omM south of ,'Onl,in Squats J0th WarrU it' W . Wat Cnr., coarse or tandy dre'ssIhg ClinBsl o: ' ls;y.our.iIme. 'Hewilt tak;'Iii:xelwngerlir- flour, corn, i?ittlihlng;prlce;ch wJU BifiG3 lesv'ojJ.Io ststo jo'lilj "frieds'snd 'tit - I . publiC'In gcnerab thit hBlias tnedaJ), - ,,; ; "iPllca?'s Iioip . ,'" I Hvi,l'Ku,'M-''-' cor;qT. .of Councd Hows I I Block, la Main Street; at- which place he wnv I .bp njq't happy, to. attend to all,buslees.i8 bis ft . .All'. whd'palronW Mm may expect prompt " , .attention and work of; the finest Unlsh.," Having profertlonilly Engaged 'la severs! of,- the eapltafa pf Europe , he. considers hlmielf; capable,,. , 8iJ$,ltm$'iKi' the lafesl -styje, of faihloa.'C JMMHxf' I , ? ig-,ArT:;BV:l"feM I Utah Itfcrchaut Standi ' Traclara. I Tiii ,tfAE.a 1 Jj I Q.U QR S.lj lt y , (5 6 0 D'S,1 I OLQXHI.NG,' i , '. I jjoors; 50E&V Aivi ff , V I OFFER-",theIr,LARGE" AlsORTMEfff of 1' fl5 ,UTA); MAETt;H. j , which caquof;f all to.triiurB.Baiiifaetlon. ' ! SC-.fim ' - i : z "-V" -1 r.:.Va. I v ,E" DrueiVI,alnts;0,lr- Glass.snd Dys itfSflfc Alsoff... Z,, ,,,4 'Togelber witlr; j 100IiTH!NGSmDAltYtUE:i j ' . Cne'Pdw bortfi of Mdfef &'Russ'elPt:" 1 f ov,28,- ISbD. 15-lf AliEX. C"5SP.YPER, ' ' ' $V H ;- t; 4i4 KM. S. GODBE' . 'M II)li'' . ClH!'M,lfU-Av-bSi, . of the beat quality. s4 . .. A' fall, asorlrgant, 0jr tha,. well-kaown 1 CBAEFENBERCi PAMILVREMEbTeR, I Ibt.T eflfcacy bfVifhYc&s ba so I bnudsnlly te.1,,,1 w ,iiJfcrrtt6ry. ' ' ' 1 ' I AgreatVarietyJof' - I Patent, itfediolrjea Fancy Soaif, 1 Oils, XertCqrif J Brushes, &q 'A HI and otfcn Dve Siiiis, v Mtnlc Glasses, Urcast IipM, -Vursiiig Bottles. Sirlii5 Tru$Sfrl Shoulder Jlracc "nil FcmsUc Abdominal Supporters, Of fbo Oqx 'styles. 1 Fresh Baled Culftvated HOPS. . ET I?rescripiron caref iilTy filled. AH kinds of Grata taken jh tya BESWlErt. I esn now oflr the'-pobh'n srtk-ts f 'bat will compare fsyo'ribly wllb'Vr V ,b ' VJI, H. GODBE Dj door sotith ef Dreg; Store, Msia Street. |