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Show ? fjbM: f -4 i :.r; .; .- -? Cflad .' Is'ifie'ycar 1,83-. in. a handsomely: s y fiteishd PttOf wbicK.oiWnc4,bt.qP'tliat v -Mtd iKwdon gitslipp Callcd.itf dncb. '5Wli Mtsi OVodcr; "I Really raiis0sfldtjf wjf jda JiaVe 'tfiuiei ff tljo first fitylel hei?i Wbat clcgaflpalhungj and what- a' fifVfttijJj tpalrbf "firc -screeWl all Bff bright tttldTgad jfitilll Thenj'th'o Jegftht efoho .copjhgs; iyour Itflf . Jftfur Tfinddws, aiul moseJhcaiiUful (lmi fttohlmlow frJtjicst And jo hare ,'jvjiat tea kadinyout daughters lo. the' &eU-: ' tfdest boarding'schooljyb'nc 6h6p.1s thii, '.flfsi k5tfeUca Ih iiU :this -J)ar6f;pf !-lAindoi). llfigly Wlitre H ysu! fitid thd ticfedfal- for "tires: nbly j tegs? 1 P?a jMfjfc CroWdcr,:b6vV tlh-:: '11 Mr,;?'Crodcrsimpcrcdt- -nnd tasr ,is! j '"'j: idfit.do6p.ifjVb'?thp .ehjbliUd.ith- yftii; he tdafidth.pHis', fosffi m'ori? 'shrifci htilf-S iml lotidfer th'auvusciat, williUio-Triamtili- jbok ?Utf.wirdr 'reached. !ij)si .cnrtfor-nci sl'U m -Mt'omeii GcorgfeAlahley," thoarpehlct,. dhijdi fetpS jiparlfc- .c6Uufcr 'urm Jjp h"6 opoa tirw:aro6oh,;hU;j!aw;;ctti;-rtl'e, tirw:aro6oh,;hU;j!aw;;ctti;-rtl'e, ankei lvcelcsi InQtfmed; oyi-A'aajyona fea'gan,eBls, JIc tlign turned' thfm iiy ) xhb Malely aparfiritntHih" looked; aiuli Armagh ttfoJoor hitO lhtf rrarloaitd SiiW- "of ,Q tokiiiaJjsciabd-pictttfeshiid $Mig, '" Mi eid'jiflc ronutfirei. atn.tV 'rleHrcarpet, audcci;: MiIWcf mt silk gdwn t her, piaiib;: y.'-tj & he tkought to Ifuu'sfclC.how stVaiige: kSiotf earlons'tt Is tliatU this . Wretched- 'rx tiejj'oaiiy 'jcftrhandCBhould ho initilo if) iatalflto-All this,tii'lneryroftl.mJgh I'ii kAWiftifiir-rtfidd ittlat? fo'gulgaldi origii i?ih'fjil';TiicOy htclJi'iiiudev-thfool'K -tlfcjc ltttuof jaj;ilmt; ifihallf rVufesddwnToii' jw$, jMrU'rlttF'ia'feSgldaVi w 'iu. 4lMtrdyKaathVd,howe?TrwK " Tfl .twJittleIrfeL'ratcd .mTtMof nd:aIn1ll5CacVi7ltii.t qf'fOQd,. -JfOfcJ -!ttooi IcfekedferycharleMj pVc fimlooih)lai'hartloh5 hiit j ftiBeai;tl!ar(ifgiidd. ' -acco . Wtrajoj. Wfib tnIng sotarly iliat'ntght; aud rcturhiug '&e., idbci end in; gootf liumbrv lt!if' "V .hriid irw'cs'ab!;Hftlcrloii :was, . ai GibXWliydi&iha. tlieri afraidlybii V6r4'6o mTichjhy " w4tMe1!ght;3 ,iv;f '.E'-5c or 'vHd wws uc effect: jaf ijjcfBud' BliLfrbeefotorl! . ft lh, ftc6rriertdcnUy-:al!ifciul- wbJf! ; U&iheh Cotncaud tcif mci-whyba itia ' ; iOH beia do"ing.'''fll 'jJil'f J- 'vqr-jj f I hta lifoiioytbV Www -TrouldKnot? ,teoY9 rtli&'iloKves frlen g i; hitHliQdgVh'wasrcVbl dnd "Itavii Ff a-oi6t1iw6i.11aBi' the 1 wli8s sarbyo'tt irid.h'ceu ;lriik-, ficr VJ.thamojioirtaUdwUonflic'Tv Jang 2 fiffitill law hervtcorrqpr ltirr lltrihandr nndiheh' I iildhad SI.S olJierf.powo-lo.lh6'bor. ;tl(ol 1J&t'yhIidhrdsM-erc, avIi I . Ci, father iHiio.t oarhig'I ?anii 1 d. haU faihbr?' 1 tlqltt iiy!5l!UV5,M"w 'And. . C'ffal frotn!tlia.bb3fx v ' r iwW6till(s:f0of hlVlfe; Uiroc I WS2.tt tid egat?.of.hqt mild lions i SS-WHtfr; ;hahasrhosad, lh JiWiSft? iiWdaior yd'-h6 thcS ' KJM'd y iVotitW 'tho -best diiftu , ?w-l h6nbwc will b a Hffc oiio ttt bed, 'that wheti ho aV tiai, ilntl tincc 'of Ihe poop could do tpftlk en: ing wp tv .fiuqjiotiso nnd ilitMiHg otft am iiaaiwd'fr, wifa nd, dhijghtijrs, and iipfj t ho ibotfghtbf hi80Vti'hord,,,wdi;Sihgl gra oipluiuiog Susan, nta hia'i cliilttrcrti W ot .andirhuoiit h raKswliilc h'Svas iog g'tMiikiiJg ftighjtaUertttgh't,. destroys' fr lis hcaltU arid strength-' he' wast so, nat fc.)vl't,h orrw ,atd, 6hap, thatrf jo ' ed to'co.tn6ti,. IumJf nti laa, jUb; 'was :mt.id.'frQin tfft.Ujgti! fercflgab to i?ej ho-Hitojfijsatingjgltts fa Ids Jilp'l f phr ort than fcjca? aftoriyiirdp, on Igtfnr .of ; iltorrtoo m CrQWjdrvof the Jstl ;h,B0wl,wtt walking itU.Jrtr'jifangU- 3 tho tea girdfeii?,.they ;c?o,.oy- wej r.hy i yloloiit ho,wpi?;$f rjiin aWdbad l1!)! ft? ; tt ' Iqasti half drdicla-tlj ; When but entered u' : comrortjiljhsooking honsoi 4Vaii igniahcd ,by jtomfor' and ' Idiiess' bec nll.pfhw ticaj- it- Osgood naiiif?d .crit 3;ntid;.licr ;tT. gfrlivdi(;aU:Hhcy' j.? : L'tO'try ahdHypJ,avay rain.lrop (Jo jittdllasljrVoOV, tliVla'dief iliniBiIk' fa iid'-pers"o'i,i3,; ? i " ,r- ,V?: rfri n hc)i aU,,hsid eoiVdo!B' that;ojitd bis; -l ,.jBjid OB-AfijAcyiaidiMy 'ogun' cfiu ?pk ! ik, themsdlv'caX tatnI pl IdQiv'vhOinsltiug luViiigft "rju! Idt j atiff"bjnjjng.hcrsiy 'by: aStattf ai bijr f ohend,cty tijhig,.,.jtr Shft' iiopi,'. vii fnly Atnr.tc fucvvafd. tind Jaddrcssin tlio If ;to Jhts jdagr Of tho .hoi(?fli.oaO fifio iad jujfccjiught bin "Viby niy ,ba 'tnaijj ro are .old friends J. know" . JJ face, .iV"ttffW:tLli thero tt EJiij yet n you, .though Jtai!t exactly say .Lai it-ls,1 " , -' .' . : wei used foxbojavrngge'deiotlis awl out; bro Qa"u),vv-atd;;yjjorgo -laiiley ?mll- but fjA'iio.tKsiHk ftod,; Xaintco"jnfort':; Huil d'adflpdinttllentyartW Tn.,1 !ut hiirejt atdi,;JlM;tCrftwQV,! "AW ff;evcjr-g6t;ft5igi)ti 6F-6o?;?jgi "lu ladanit.saT Kv;ata;6r If wish; fbhj feU0myV X .ajfi--r casb:(6;;ihaokJ iiib; ror.jwbrdCoT' flbt(uiiy. itf'i tpftVy.'wvhoolf. uip ffp rtnd;qhndrcirrft;baljt :yea tar s cjd;;;;oVdy'tjj& "tjihoHiasjean. cq :iTat:4yein,Ut yott;:i"leasfcf 'vci ibn t.. jooissjana UcccntjClotu,i :t?p liU'irthetn: VUy W m, j, Attd iibwj'ftiadnmrtitrilo'uy aw rf6Tdl0diprXoaf issfc VUa th flbt!st:feUhat.havp; ,h alLthiscfwftS.- .XJjiDgUfjtdMf; to: IrcD hft pciico ;flW)ed, libftcfiViftUUtry,'; Jtit pent 0 Ykato tws adjilpOJi. th rpeocc,9 A 4 . j ; : r4-Cr:ou'tl(jr. CVP rqeovcred th?ciato4 jhfcjbadlos'-' , , |