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Show New Year's Greeting. On Friday niorning.January i.acconl-i2 i.acconl-i2 to appointment, a large assembly of Saints were seated in the Maim tabur nacle, which was appropriately decorated. deco-rated. Westenskow's fine biass band discoursed sweet music until the regular exercises commenced, shortly a ter 10 o'clock as per the following program: I Anthem, "When the Lord Snail Build Up Zion," South ward choir. a Prayer, representing high council Andrew Peterson. 3 Song of praise, Nona ward choir, 4 Introductory remarks, stake pie si deucyj. B. Maiben. 5 Song, "Pauline," Miss Eihel Lowry. 6 Speech, South ward, Bishop Iians lensen. 7 Song, "Tramp, Tramp," Stephen Vorhees. 8 Speech, North ward. Bishop V. T Reid. 9 Music, "The Wi'ild's Fail," brass band. to Speech, high priests, James Waie-liam. Waie-liam. rr Instrumental nuisic, Peter and Caroline Car-oline '.Veslenskow. Ii Speech, batalion, Danial Heime. 13 Speech, seventies, J. C. A. U eibye 14 Anthem, "Beautiful are the Towers," South ward choir. 15 Speech, city, Mayor Shomaker. 16 Speech, county, J. II. Uongaaid. ij Organ recital, Clare W. Real. 18 Speech, education George Scott, 19 Music, Westinskow brass band. 20 Speech, Relief Society, our.g Ladies' and Primary associations, Mrs. Rebecca Varliam. ar Speech, Elders and Young Mens Mutual Improvement association. 1 eter H. Madsen. aj SDeech. visitors. Dr. Samuel H. Allen. 33 Song, "March On," joint chorus 34 Closing remarksf President . B. Maiben. 25 Benediction, patriarchs, S . h. Snow. On acco'int of the. severity of the weather there was not quite so large an atiendence as usual, but the chaiacter ol the. exercises and the spiril attending the same lacked none of the accustomed accus-tomed interest, on the contrary tne feeling feel-ing of harmony and good cheer, were never more manifest and a most eniov-able eniov-able and profitable time was realised by all who had the pleasure of being present. The cause of Zion andjmman liberty under the flgof our country was fitly represented. , N, R, Peterson, Seers tary, THE INTRODUCTION". On Christmas eve tne Sonth ward Snnday school children met at the Assembly hall and listened to the pro gram prepared for them, consisting of mnsic, songs, recitations aud short speeches. In the south-east coi ner a Christmas tree loaded with tho fruits 01 the season gladdened the eyes 01 the little folk. After the regular proa ram was finished Santa Clans distributed presents, promising to visit tho little folk at their homes later on. At Gner hall a dance was given whieh was a little too well patronized for tns comfort com-fort of the dancers. In the course of the evening prizes were g(ven to tho lucl y ones. THE FESTIVAL. Early on Christmas morning the children belonging to the North warn Snnday school met at the lauernacie where of coarse a bernt'fully decorated tree stocd as the emblem of th: n A very interesting program, similar to that of the previous evening was rendered, ren-dered, where Santa Clans, apparently as fresh as ever distributed tbe presents. The afternoon was devoted to dancing by the children and they enjoyed the fun as only little folk can enjoy them selves. In the evening da ces were given in the Assembly hail and G-ier's hall, both of w'uiea were crowded. Luring Lur-ing the evening the dancers st Gner s hall weve treated to a sight cf a afincicg contes:. A waltz, a polka and a schot-tische schot-tische were danced after which the judges rendered their decision: George R, Scott and Effie Cox won the first prize, which was a beautiful photograph album; the second prize, a workbox, was wnn hv Ganririi Half unit Ve.rmi Vnnk. The Presbyterian chapel was decorated decor-ated for the occasion, and a merry party were there to listen to appropriate exercises ex-ercises and add their hyn n of thanks giving. The day and fevering passed quietly bat not the less enjoyably. THE SEQCAL. On Sa'urday morning the justiee and other police officers held a session in the aty hall, where (Us few who had ovr, stepped the bounds were called to give an account. The boys left the pre-ence of the representatives of lev. and o;der, -adder and it is to be hoped l etter inen-and inen-and when the bruises have disappered, and the skin grown oer the t ealed surfaces, sur-faces, let us h ire Ihero will be no occasion oc-casion for another lesson iu decorum to the nnraly wights. |