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Show ,vt away Ihev traduced, vilified 1 It 1 ns Kol so with Con-' Con-' i,..r U'e alwavs knew where to find ldm. That's the reason I like him." J.din G eeidief Whitlier has , , , 11 n u-Jitv-fotirth birthday. A prenf old man is Wlntier. For many a venr his harp was timed to tin It s ns of humanity to m-e men's hearts softer; to make lli-ii- conscience quicker to do Rood work for the world. Now the string are broken, and what are not broken are out of time. There i cut- on i1 , heard a note, but the melodv is all gone. The old man is gome; slowly and cilmly down into the silence, and probablv i' u tb onh J ' he feels is what his memory brings to him of the tupe when his brain was alert, and w n t v.'i vtimur ni nature as so full of music that it was easy for l,im to put that music into ryihm, c li.r.t all the rest of the world read and understand The sorinsi ' tha - summer and - the J uinmn of his life are past,' and! Avhile the w.n er is miM, elill, the iuo.v cl r, is upon his Jock-, nit e 10 t i f it has stilled the j i Ho bin of his once teerii-brain. teerii-brain. One of jhese" 6Vy we shall pick- .tin ihe paper in the i i i an l h 1 that the night Li-jH i o -l." down., -a ud that, the host whndi was upon his hair has also --tiii.d his lips for ever-Trihune. Thfi'Xew York Sun says: "The Vblp.'aie iu congress from Utah suv s he does not intend to intro-p intro-p ly luls to admit the terri'.ory to the limon. 1 be attempts recently recent-ly made in-- the territory of Okla-hnmfi Okla-hnmfi to tret up a state convention f,.:ve ijiVs'ii proo. that the settlers tb.re are but Silgh ly concerned to i be fjMhjfH. an 1 that it is belter foi them notlo try to change" the political orsanization of Oklahoma until lis area and its population ar enlarged hv the annexation of jibe aiiiaceiit Indian reservations t j ir ii i i 1 1 the government. Ihe residents of the tenitory of Arizona, wiiieti bus been organized for neaiay thirty years, have th-s mimih adopted a new constitution, pi-.-naratorv mr application into the ibnon. hu congress will undotib!-I'.llv undotib!-I'.llv not- regard Aiizon as yet en- 1 ) 1' b s j A i Hi I c i 1 1 1 I. i t )i 1111 ,,1 11 ' ' i it ti e ' i t i u e A i it i i , 1 1 1 I i i e ( l 1 1 I h rum -iexu o. , . .:. I r. 1 i f l i i 1 i i l i I H1I 1 s 1 11 war. . Just ivl.v u wiur Jiaiu.-oli fct fu ti 1 h -lOb t n j I 11 l l i i ' 1 i ; it n I T 1 i i I) 1 t .11 ri) h II n ill 1 u c 1 ti tl i 1 that the i !:Oi, .(i I, ivc o, el, civeii to fiiv ii. tti ): nl OJ'-wh-o nave ab.va-.s ,.,--e:i km- ii,i thf prcfe-nt. a-.li,,mis;ratH u. . When G,-ii,.-ral (-iranv s wmov, burud her imsoaii.t sue no douot Ihoiiiiht tmtt as ihe cctm'.ry had hi 1 e 1 t i t i i a r I 1 n i r t 1 ' !i i i nt Hi 1 I -. . ' Hie poor ho-m o: h iving her way about the dispo.-ai ni- hrs remain, l.vnlenl y others , tlr.nK d icr tit I e li 1 perotenev with v. L irh ih-v.-nsf Mil i congress to oisiniti' toe uup ndco I hero, notwuhstari'iiits me e-troe-i protest of Mrs. Grant. ; .Mihs 01 Texas does not ivl well undo his defeat lor speaker ot the house, and is thinking of tuKinu his ltt fie digues and pome nail! home. While Mr. Mill- 1- a ta!-:. ta!-:. : itd inf inner, there 13 no reason why the cemocralic party should allow liim to ride his hobbv to f oe disadvantage of il,r, nariy ov uie interests of the popw. It- is time he learned that the party is lnn-ier then rie is and will not- submit. .,.lu 1 e 1 I u tj the If 1 I 1 1 ' e mean-iii.e tne tanii ilorn.ei' lias taken a back seat, and sulks over the niatier, reiusiiig to bo cone;!.- I titled to come 111. Finally, there !ii the lemiorv of New Mexico, which is hatdly any better prepared tli.iii is Arizona to take rank as a state 111 the Union. These four terntones must grow in strength and race before they can appear as stars on the . American flar." St. Lou s Republic : No one in the srnatecan conseieiitioiisl' deny tne nomination of Eikins is scan-ialous. scan-ialous. lie is one of the most des- crate adventuiers in the country. No other matwn the country combines com-bines so thoroughly the attributes oi the political and financial free-ooofer. free-ooofer. His connection with the land rings and-land grabs of New ated and dnving his friends Irom him. -. This is -an o:d csvinff: be sound ot a good bth goes iar,- ip.e sound ot a bad belt goes iunher. About a t ear - asa. til KsJiveL . made a jaisiak-j :i reJanoa ,y th" height of tl s feoiple--ttwas. aj:a ever since ad tks sppeiai corr.Ts- pOrOe: tS who write Miytzm? wl.OU! iiantt make tne same "mistake: I he last, tomes in tb ChriM mas 1 . iaerald. . in whica tiie repress: ola 1 en 'l tj c 1 1 l 1 1 in e lie 'ar i jjj iog, -me from, or west siue. ,-.-- tiiOUiiu tiio rletaid has been ire tbp t nt i ef 1 1 u i - 1 t 1 , 1 e La r itiBJf l tr i lot 1 t 1 f t SI J j t 1 Le J r b 1 1 n li 1 Francis Cope uied every meinoer ot ' e CI lb 1 uc 01 ret 1e 1 a meeting to pass resolutions to his memory, but. ween leoeral. cornier died not a Mormon member was 1 1 s 1 t at 1 1 e 11 , ( il 1 I t 1 h P 1, o ( 1 e 1 0 t (t 1 general, and 1n. s to siiow t.'ial for this reason the Mormons are not in earnest i:i their politics. p,?r. hips we are a little like (he Jew: when ho was converted to Christianity Christiani-ty a creditor me! bin; ar.d remarked Mexico is notorious. Me has operated 111 politic as a means of promoting the mcst doubtful enterprises en-terprises that originate in Wall street.. - Mis underhanded connection connec-tion witn the sealskin monopoly is 111 itself sufhcient cause for his rejection, re-jection, but it is only a single item in, a Io$ 4 account. He stands with Quay, Dualev and Y anamaker or iiii that is worst in republican politics. poli-tics. It is not merely that he is an onensiva partisan, but. it is nolor-'lousiy nolor-'lousiy true that he is'more a free-boctar free-boctar than a p r:i-:ao. A more shameful nomination could not have ceen made. He ought by al! means to be rejected. Jji dtr ets The latest application applica-tion ot the principle of reciprocity to cianmerc-ial relations is found in a treaty between tne United States and British .1 est India Islands and British v.aiana, the negotiations for m lili 1 ,i t been .completed, lae new treaty wnl-do away with a system of aiEcnminatinj tarirfs under which the .united kingdom nas held a shtire-of the markets in question out of proportion to what it Mould occupy under ordinary conditipns, while the United States has been to a great degree .shut ont ot her natural hare in 1 those markets. Under the new arrange-1 ment the islands will reduce their duties on breailstuffs, kerosene oil ami canned goods, mast of the imports im-ports of which into the islands come from the United States. The arrangement with Jamaica is special, speci-al, owing to the fact that it ex-poris ex-poris less ngir and; coffee. It is expected that the result of the new 'low you are a Christian and I s'np:,?e you will pay ,iiv your 1,'ills." "Thai s different"' said . the Jew 'reliLiion is religion, and. business busi-ness is hu-ine:s." ;A tip pi -niay' he a good deivoerst or a r;ood republican re-publican and f-" till forget tc atlep.d . the mceriii;.; i f il,... chamber ."d commerce 1 1 en'oi;:.? anybody. iiveaty wmcii will be proclaimed ! shortly, the export from the United I States to the islands will be materi-aii'y materi-aii'y increased. . ' Time-:: Gei.eial Connor was a soldier, yet in his nature there wasj friends and ihit ! .,,1 -.? for hum-Aiiity thiet aiway? marks ln,el greatness. It is not 'i-heved l!,-:t tin re was a man in ( he world r. ho bated him, Those who were his i'l-iciids !r.v..d him. fis enemies adiiiiivd ,i in beenii5,. m :.-,:iv . f-ttj:t bis i, ,!(.; in the ,..-. it is said that Tii-h-im V:,,,,,-,! f.r.oo c.f.him: "M KV,. here I f.i L i in ; to our faces they were our filends, but wiien tiiey j |