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Show . ' ' iE EXPERIENCE - r ' ftsgJlVE METHODS, g . .-,.- -owr M and Control, !?.-., ij n-.::.Y V (i orders of H c' a v V 9 P h I j.Mnra In,,,, ,;,o-.r, S .-...-. r" . Pato patients. (I . f ops YOUHoy.otf-1 -y. -. -.r-i ,:viTVu,,r ron.htion. nor sive up in dc-5raa-1 W t (.u. h 1 oy,e!el-4 to our itO!rt ' ib ur b utltfUl BOOK, w&Jun wo S3 t f t i uutime. ur; jo-ajf. jg fs.- - i.J. liwriee-ttiO'i.-;. ap;,liauCe:i HQel eipc-li- Eg I - - ..11. , :!,:', aul WU claim tht.M'OMr OF UltlfOHH & f -! tn-JICK la.. G' MtfMgifiMW ; r-. fL1 3 t s ijaper whsn you writs. WALTO STEINGHAM IS prepared to ill! all orders for Lime large or sni.ill. will he delivered to any purl of the town oi County, lit x'.erop-nble x'.erop-nble prices. : JNiosIc Store, IDAHO FALLS. DEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Musical Instruments, Strings &Trim mings. Best Brass Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra ft Band iMusic, Sheet Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Playing; in it and much good information informa-tion in for musicians Send me your orders for what you want in the Music line. ALSO Watches, fine Gold and Rolled f , at Jewelry, Cultery, Etc., Etc. Molt Square Dealing Fair terms Stands r TRIUMPH OVER DISEASE SOME NOTABLE ADVANCEMENTS IX THE A HT OF HEALING. Tho Remarkiibly Successful Method of Treating Consumption, Catarrh, Ca-tarrh, Deatness, Bheuniatifin, Paralysis, General Debilioy and Other Distressing Chronic Diseases Dis-eases by Now. located at 7G West Second South Stieet, talt Lake City, . Utah Evidence of a Largo Number Num-ber of Extraordinary Cures Af'er Ordinary Treatment Had Failed . and Hope, of Recover? Abandoned. Aban-doned. .. ' TESTIMONIALS , THAT CHALLENGE. ' . BL.LIEF. Unsurpassed Facilities for the Siic-cessluP Siic-cessluP Treatment and KadrWi w Kt,V.T ON THE TBACK. A Utth- chikl.t!red of plaV-hfid pillowed Mf h.'-ml on a iailroa.1 track and fallen asleep. T:io tram was itimuat upon him when a pnssinjj r:t.jKiT rniic-U lurward and saved him li'Oin a hr.rr,: !-? aeach. Fcrhntis vou aro usieep on tha tracii. too. Vou are. it vou are neelectinu the back ma- cough.' the beetle flush, tha loss ot Hirsute, growing- weftknesa and lassitude, wi.ioh have unconBCionsiv crept upon you. ft ;:ke up. or the train will to upon you I Consumption, wluch t:;iis insidiously faatenj its bf-Kl uron ita victima whilo they are un-conacious un-conacious of ita approach, must ba talcea la time, if it 13 to be overcome. Dr. l'ierce'a GoiJen Jieuical Digcoverv has cured thou-saiifw thou-saiifw of cases of tni3 most fatal of maladies. It taken m time, and given a fair trial, it is gri:arrtiiteed to benefit or cure in every cate ot Consumption, or money paid for it will bo promrxw rrrtirulcd. For Weak Lunra Spitting of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of Hreath. lirrmchitis. Asthnya, Severe Cous-h?;. ana kindred allection, it is an efficient effi-cient remedy. Copyrist, 1S?3. by World's Dis. Med. ass'm. "Seeing8 is Believing." j?? And a good lamp &Qk , " mu't be simple; when it - not simple it is lU&Jl' v.not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good these iTfW3 ( ) words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" Jg2y ' r will imprecs the truth more forcibly. All metal, & tou-h and seamless, and made in three pieces only,4ppj t it K,h,pfev stfeMA wtvreakaUe. Like Aladdin's &r ! of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- Spa velou light is purer and brighter than gas light,. Waia softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. A t-v f,rtt-''mp-TlB Rochester. Ii the lamp dealer hasn't the genuine v,.& . ,1 F.V,L "I,, seud to u lor oar uew illustrated catalogue, - ni i,e U nd v lasaftfy "by e.press-your choice of over 2,000 ff f 0. V'adelie- from the Unrest Lamp Store in the li orld. V4T-' rf ' uo LAMP CO. 4i Park Tlace, New York City. igljg "The Rochester." ANOfiEWS FAMOUS TELLUhlAN GLOBE For sale at the Sentinel Oilice by H. G. BRADFORD - General Agent I an: prepared to fiirui-h anything in the Echool-furm'shing line. All goods wan an led. tef; SIMPLE I- iv--r3t 1 LIGHT RUN'reQ and cume,e GIVES &RrJ PERFECT fu:;' SATISFACTION 34j AMERICAN BiLO.Es SCWlNS VP.t CC PRINCIPAL OFFICE FACTORY S.Y: "C 0R,203-ST. &ViASi ilNGTOH AVE PHILADELPHIA, PA. WHOLESALE BRSNSU BOUSES " CyHJCAGO. ILL "0 CIWeWMflTt 01UO.J Sanpe'e Valley Raliwsv. TIME TABLE. NO. 5. To take effect iVerinesilay, Iwc. 24, Ib'J'X Going North. St'UioiiS. Goins? Scnth. So. 1, N'f. a. m. r- 'Ji- 9. 00 Leaves Chester. A.Tives 2.1,'. 9. 12 Arrives -;,, Leaves S.W. 9. SO Leaves J1 Amvi-s 1 ni. 9.45 ' ' 'Draper. I.enves l i s 10.10 " FoTiiitainfil'een. l.'Jl. 10.80 ' ' llivide, ' 1-00. II. 10 "Main street Kr '. ' ' Vi.ir-. 11,12 Arrives Nenlll, Leaves 12.18. Trains run daily, Snnday exeeprcd. Trains atop at stations marked only v. hec signaled. Heodore BBCBiCS, General Msnaqer. H. S. KEEE, General Snperiutendant. (Jure of the annus JJiscases ot the Eye, car, Head, Threat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Nervous System mid Krokeu-, Krokeu-, Down Constitutions. Dr McLennan lias by his iunvea.iyl attention and txliaorclinaiy snice-s, gained a reputation whicSi calls p.itiei.u from all parts of the cjuntiy -to oiilain advice, and without boasting, iie can say that probably no otliei physician in tLe western states or teriitories is Healing at the present time so many cases ot chronic tlist-ases. The development of important and supeiior remedial agents and mod, -s of cure, have enabled him tu succeed "in ihousati'.ts of cases wiiera others have failed. The unparalleled success wuh wnich he has treated difficult and the so cailed "incurable cases" goes to show that no one should give up in despair, simpiy on the assertion of one or two, or three physician- who may have failed to effect a cure. It is with tiie hope of reaching many of this class that he advertises, and no! alone from Ihe profit it may deseivedly yield him, but lor the real s ufaction ol doing good, and relieving Ihe pains of humanity and sending hope to the hearts of thousands of afflicted fe.low creatures who are enduring great suffering suffer-ing under the erroneous impression tn.it they are beyond human skill. These lie is resolved, shall hearot him, and realize ihe truth of file saying, that, "while there is life there is hope." NO IDLE EOASTINGf READ i THE EVIDENCE. iT. E. Spencer, 667 State road;cu:ed of constipation and an obstinate case of shin disease. W. D. Lewis, the Cullen; catarrh and bronchitis cured. P. Lar-sen, Lar-sen, city waterworks; r.atarrlr, E. .Miller, .Mil-ler, lung roubles cuied. Ira Stamper. 242 Third South East; psoriasis (a difficult diffi-cult aud obstinate skin disease) entirely cured. J. Hencley, 550 East Third South slreet; lung troubles from la-grippe; la-grippe; also stomach, kidney and liver troubles cured. Mrs. Reid, 67 Gtape street; catarrh cured. Mrs. Karl Bayl-ham, Bayl-ham, East Mill Creek; rheumatism cureo. Mrs. A. Reynolds, 550 East 'third fbu strjet; catarrh, piles, etc.. etc. John Parsons 79 Oak stieet; granulated eyelids, blood disease and gravel. I ). S. Davidson 536 East Fourth South; liver troubles and general weakness. E. La ker, 842 East Third South; rheumatism and catarrh, whith partial deafness. .Mrs. Eunice Campbell, Center street, near Prospect; various troubles. Isabella Wilson, Wil-son, 9S7 First steet, corner O; sciatiaa. oseph Kelley, dyspepsia, with constipation, constipa-tion, Mrs. Susan Hancock, 236 West Sixth South; neuralgia, f. O. H, Lund-quist, Lund-quist, member of the firm of .Messrs. Sandberg & Co., furniture manufacturers manufact-urers and dealers. H. Oliver. 64 West L ' incurable case of Catarrh in EEHiV v-..jjr- tne Head, by thb proprietors of nr. Ssire's O.tarrh Remedy. Only CO oentj. bold by arug'tfLSLS everrwnere. Picn rotvn B VRGAIX STORE Orangeville, Emery Co . Utah. J. K. REID, 1VEA1.KB 1N- Dry Goods G roceries Kefps a full Line ot 5, 10. and 25 cent Counter Goods; Also General Mer-ebaniliee. Mer-ebaniliee. Drugs anil Medicines. Per acriptions carefully Conipeuudfrl. Buys all Itiuils of produce. Highest price' paid for Hides, VVeo!. and Kurs. all cash purchasers to the arnoaut of :f 1 00 gets n Prize. Don' t Fail to Call and Bny Yourse Rieh. S'arhifs - Institution ov Salt Lake City 13 THE SaMern What Arc Misfits! ami rncalled-For Clutliing? They e.re Garments Made by Tailors, and eitlK-l ,!;,! not tit or were unealled tor. W e have .-onti itets with nianv the leading tailors tail-ors thioiii..hrl,it the United States. To the t:ul.-rs these ffooib are almost a totalloss, and u esi-L-ure them at less than cost 01 material, enal.lim 11s to sell them again at haif, and oftentimes oft-entimes less than half the original price, you will alwa.is rind some ni the finest Prince Albert Al-bert suiis from -sir, to S30, worth double. Alterations to improve fit free of charge. -CVO 3 oil ??0 Tailor Made suits and overcoats for $10 00 25 ' " ' " ' 1200 Now is? the time to snbscribe for if If H flfiWf jflf Only $2.50 per year, DR. BOSAXEO'S COUGH SYRUP. This syrup is composed of wild chix-fy, tar and bal-am of Tolu, which evei one knows are the most tonic and hei-img remedies known for the throat arid luuee. To this we add just euongn fqnil's, ipcesc, and Idood root to loossn and throw off the offending matter by expectoration. Ask your doctor if there could possibly be a more happy combination combi-nation for the cure of coogli, colda and bronchitis, or hnili np a weal; anil emacltated consumptive patient than this. For croup ami whooping conch there is nothing tefter, and every mother who values the lives of her little children chil-dren should always keep it in the house, t is perfectly liarinlens and the babies like it. ' Sold at the City Drag store. X0U ARE IN A BAD But we will cure you il you will pay ui Men who are Weak, Nervous and Debilitated, Debil-itated, suffering from Nervous Debility Seminal Weakness, and all the efiect ot early Evil Habits, or later indiscretions which leadto Premature Lecay,Consump-tion Lecay,Consump-tion or Insanity, shoud send for and read the ''Book of Lile," giving pa rtiti-ulars rtiti-ulars of a Home Cure. Sent (sealed)lree by addressing Dr. Parker's Medical and Surgical Institute, 151 North Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn. They guarantee a cure or no pay. 12--M BAYFIELD CO-OP Dealers in QO OE R I ETC. ' . Are carrying a fine line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, also; Boots and Shoes. MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH t . v Bost Stock of Clothing In Manti. TTJTTLE & CO,, o(DEALERS IN)o ---General Merchandise- Are Still at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. BOOTS & SHOESjJ at f-BOTTOM rRICES.jaT Third South; dyspepsia and constipation, constipa-tion, lacob Somers, JlcKinnor, block; lumbago and constipation. Jacob Howxhurst, 30S West Fifth South; consumption, con-sumption, so called by his ptnsiciniis, cured so as to be able to go to work in two weeks. Henry V. Cox, 260 Center street; dyspepsia, diarrhcea, lumbago and general debility. W. Knox, Stale street, south of the Jordan; catarrh and dvspepsia. James Kendall. Esq , the well known carpenter and builder, 735 West North Temple street; piles, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, etc. William Henley, of .Murray, now at coiner of Fifth West and Second South; cured cf paralysis. Hon. A. Bunker, of Topeka, Kan., and fonneily mayor of Washington, la , now at ct r-ner r-ner ot 'Second East and Third South; catairh, debility and dyspepsia. F. B. Fuller, representing the lithographing company of Colorado, now at Temple-ton; Temple-ton; dyspepsia with general debility John Price, 9J4 East Third street; hean disease. Ddward Griffith, 44 Church street. Mrs. Picketing, 336 East Fourth South st.-est: various troubles (or which she doctored for years without benefit, says she would be in her grave now if it was not fo Doctor Mclennan's skill Mr". Crowtheis, 509 Fifth South and Second East, J. L. Mabry, 175 Vest Seventh street; dyspepsia. '1 heodore Nelson, 342 W'tst Third (South; a re maikable cure ol correa (St. Vitus dance). This patient has been under treatment in Colorado and other places for some time, deriving no benefit. Dr. McLennan effected a cure in two weeks. Thomas Bott. Esq., the well known milk man, SO2 Second street; dyspepsia and heart troubles, etc., etc., etc. Many more could be relerred to, but we ate not at liberty to publish their names. Their names and addresses will be furnished to these who are sufficiently suffi-ciently mieres.ed to call on thera personally. per-sonally. Only cases upon whom remarkable re-markable cures have been wrought are published or referred to, and then cnlv by permirsion. Mr. J. M. Howell the .vell-kown mining man 55 West Second South street, kidney troubles with broken down constitution. Mrs. Kast of Sandv. Utah, neuralgia that had baffled the skill of several physicians. Mrs. C. Stewart also of Sandy, Utah, bronchial consumption, con-sumption, heart disease and dyspepsia. J.B.Orr, Nevada house, East Second South street, heart disease. DR. McLENNAN May now be consulted at his office, old ( Tribune builtiing, 70 West Second South St. where he tieals,with equal success so " " " ' 15 00 10 " 200c 60 ' " " " 25 00 The above consists of all styles, colors and shades. A rare chance if wo don't fit you. Q O r r -t l S3 r i 1 r 1 - !..!. CO t 2 ' 5. p gS ir "T fr. f sO p - ; s. sd 1 o is I 9 rn J c "' 5 7s 9 Pensjou 1'Ostal, Land and Indian Depredation Claim. LAW OFFICE OF fixaminer Bureau oi Calms under tub eirection of W, R. HERsT, Editor and Proprietor San Fransiaco Daily Examiner.) T.. HT- ' '" " PILES. " Mr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will enre Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles when all other Ointments have failed. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, Dr. Williams' In-ipau In-ipau Pile Ointment! b prepared only joj Piles and Itching of tho private parts and nothing else. Every box -is warranted. war-ranted. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, 50c. and $1.00 per box. Williams MVg Co-, Prop's Cleveland, Ohio. .i eu,uic cci, curing tiriormmes generally considered incurable. Con sumption, Bright's disease and Dyspepsia. Dyspep-sia. Catarrh and Fits cured. Special organic weakness and diseases of the sexes positively cured, or no fee. Any patient consulting Dr. Mel.en J nan from this advertisement will ho a,-lowed a,-lowed J5 from the regular ft es. THE NEW CH1CAUO CHEAP VARIETY. STORE. Selling oat. Selling out. I have .V,00 worth of goods (cheaper than they can bo bought in Chicago at wholesale,) including wollen goods, nnderwear, overshirts, ladies' shawls, blankets, jackets, hosiery, gloves, boots arid shoes, dry goods, notions, no-tions, jewelry, watches, tinware, entlery, stationery, and a full line of Christmas goods, plush goods and fancy novelties for Christmas presents to be sold at a sacrifice. RemernoT the sale only lasts -till hitiiiaiy I. 1S!i2. Look out for our bund bills next weirlr. Remember the place, New Chicago Cheap Variety store one half block west of Lowry's" store, next to Nielsen's blacksmith shop. W heat, oats and eggs taken in ex-change ex-change for goods. A. Epsesstose, Manager. dlJnfi WE DDERB.UN Jflanage-r 61S F HMIT KfiET WI ST, WASHINGTON, - C- We will practice in the Snpreme Court of the United States, theCqni t of Claims, the several Conris of the District o Calnrubia, before Committees of Con gress, and the Executive Departments. We obtain Tensions and Patent udiau Depredation Claims and al casses of Land Claims, .Mining pre emption and Homestead "fase Prosecuted before the General Land ' Office Department of the Interior and Supieme Court. I MANTI CITY 8AV1MB8 BAWKo, DIRECTORS. ! L. T. Tuttle, President. H. J. Christenson, Vice-rrest. Albert Tutile, Cashier. J. B. Maibe.v, James Crawforp, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf Traasads a General Banking Bojiness. Receives deposits psyablp on dimand. Five per cent paitl on savmta deposits. Firejiroor Vault, hk Absolutely I'ufglar 1'fuiif Money to loan on real estate, city ana frrm property and other approved security. Pitcher's Castoria. ! L THE MANTI LUMBER YARD HAS AT.WAT3 ONlllANP A full lipp of Fiiniishintrs, Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Orega and Georgia Pine Flooring, Shing es. Cresting, Windows, Doors i- eiinifr, Ilallnsters. Fencing, Rustic, Door Screens, etc., at P rov and Salt Lake prices. Ortlcmy Mail Prompty Attended to fii Noilh of Sloan's Blacksmith Shopjjjf C 11 AS. 1EXXAX1, Agent. i JOHN' GR1EB, ' Poprietor. j Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was siek, vre gave her Castoria. 'j When she was a Child, she cried for Ca3tori j When she became- Miss, she clung to Castoria i WhonshehadChiIdren,sheeavethemCastor:a. j Children Cry for i |