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Show TERi'iTORiAL TOPICS. The I'ro-,0 Jb-moerats have opened the campaign for the election of city officers, to coino off ill February. A gang of counter Colters are operating in Salt- Luke city. Better txiimiuo y.iur coin and see- if it i. nil 0. K. The county court of Beavov county has cut down their avioruey'ii salary from iXi to fj per annum. Provo intend ) togfct the capita! removed re-moved from bait Luhe, city, that is if the legislature is willing. J.J. Kiii.:!ian, while coupling cars at Frieo i.:.-; Monday afternoon caught his foot in a fro and was instantly killed. From the Pis: atea we learn that P.'esi-dent P.'esi-dent Muiben preaeJ.i'd lo t!:? f-e.i:its Ja Provo lest ftinday on "'i Ue ;:aiui:; and Their Uutiee." le vari has bonded their echool tiis-triet, tiis-triet, n Hiding iflSOOO. The bonds Vt-i-re iniehes- I be V.,.,- Yoi k iiarfjea at a di.-w.inl v-t 10 per cent. Frai'k M. And-rson of Sr.it Lake city, while crossing tho track in a buggy, was run into by Rio Grand Western train end almost instantly hilled. A baby, apparently about a week oid wrrpned in aa old ceai. and laid in a sosp Uesr. was left on the doorstep belonging be-longing t Y. A. Williams of llyrutn. a few evenings ogo. D?wgat3 Caiio has been assigned to the pr.st cilice committee, the irrigation committee, and the Faeiile raiiroad eouuiiitte. and he is the only delegate who has been given three assignments. The ('ache county -cattlemen have issued ft call to all who are interested ,n raisins cattle and horses to meet in Salt Lake, January 3 to urge, the legislature to pass the needed legi la lion 5,ir their protection. The following sad story is from, the Beaver UUuiion: "Last Thursday Russ R. Carter and Byron Carrlgan went down to the sand bank, just south of (ireenvii'e, for s.iii.1. Rus R.' finding it inipofcdble to get the saad without getting get-ting down full length, crawled under a huge bank of clay which was just over the sand. Heiwas lying en his back shoveling t'ae sand ont of the Mveliko apperUire Byron was (shoveling it into the wagon out-ide. Byron, was in the act of pitching a shovelful into tho wagon thinking that when ho turned nrouud he weiibl tell his freind he had better get from under the bank ns he .:..!, in Tmxeitl hi-j horroi when, upon tiirninsr. around, he saw the whole mass of e.vrth, estimated esti-mated to WHij-h fully 150 tons cavd in and R'.is li. h: ii-.- it nil. Ono im-ineiiHO im-ineiiHO i-hni.k of eaith Weighing T.OO p. .uu, Is lay nr.on the i-hest and head of tho nnforiii..ate youtli. Hymn, with superhuman stieusth. t-nscerded in nearly rolling this ott' of his friend. Help was summoned aud tho tificon-K'ious tificon-K'ious Ru.-s.-l Carter was brought ont-The ont-The yoni'i man nr.ver reaiiied i-ou-sciiiusne'--? but died after liuserins; for a f-w hours. riberift Fowler, of Utah country armed ar-med in tho city yesterday and took, bsek with him last eveninp, to Tinlie, Joiin Moriarty, on a charge of being concerned in the death of a man whose name is at present unknown here. It seems that the afcued, his brother aud the third man. who were working on J the 1. and It. IS. ra.'iv.ad, slept together in a cabin F'l-ated ii'iTno divide between Juah and Utah countries. Recently Moriiiity and his brother were missed from the locality and upon tin ea-l.i-i bein-r visited by an cflieer th almost isfeiess l.oily of their mate was discovered, discover-ed, lie had received a fiiuhtful blow on the bead with a shovel, and one of his eyes wa-i i?ongeil out. iio li ved jost long enough to toil who wera hi.-, assailants, assail-ants, namely, the brothers Moriarty. John Morierty wa arrestid near the Hot Springs on Saturday night by Deputy De-puty Sheriff; I.iucon and Officer Tom Matthews: hut the brother is still at large. Ills stated that the deceased was known to have b.-eri in possesion of about $$no, and this was mining when he was found in the cabin after the mtrrderons attack npon him. |