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Show PROFESSIONAL. ' The !n(f:-t in Millinery ami Notions. Mus. M. E. Mixii'M, : : Proprietress. JJ. H.SPERRT TOKSORU1, AHTIS1' M..nti. Utah. J MANTI ROLLER mil Ls7 10CIS F. BEGKE, ...... j The Best Grades of Flour, j Cr0rdr3 and Correspondence solimie,. j Custom Work a Specialty. THIiKg is' ALWAYS O.N H tSD A KI LL Sl'PPl J OK Lily of U.b Valley 1 VAI.LF.r FAS' RRMKMKs White Rose i i.'ck mn.roj White Lilae J. PKRFPMKS At K F vw , ,V( u Jockey Clab O'-iKIN 3 LIMUSM- New Mown Hay j OA ffFJv.D TEA PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS. TAI l.ORING I'STA V-1. 1 SI I M l-'XT. Work, Style, Fit anJ Prices Guaranteed Guar-anteed to Suit. Tailor's Trimmings Always oo Hand. Baits Made to Order on Siiort Notice. -EDWARD REID, - Proprietor. Wm. T. Re i d, ntOBATB ATTORSKY A-PSTTJ LAND A-G-EITT - - - r All K: flL'3 , - of Probate buisiuc?? promptly' attended at-tended to, and titios KCiiuedto Land under tho viuions entries Office, Court House. Manti, Utah. Wilkes & Bbadwick, AND ATTORNEY'S, SALT LAKE CITV, - - UTAH'. MASONS & MONUMENTAL STONE CUTTERS. DEALERS Ik Oolite and Marble '- Monuments . Head Stones, Etc, -Stone Yard opposite Titliiw. OlAce on Main street, Manti. THE MANTI Mercantile Institution Invite attention to their large and varied assortment o Ladies' New markets, Jackets and Shawls, Misses' a: d Children' V raps, Ladies' and Misses' Merino ana Woolen Underwear. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoe Rubbers and Arctics. - Hose, Gloves and Filittens FASCINATORS IN GREAT VARIETY, Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades. 5i inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per yard. Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard . SCANDINAVIAN tXH.:rI:01! -' -! VJW Residence and Office: One door south of the Presbyterian Church. Main Street, .Manti, Utah. CITY ;BEUG- HF.ADQUABTKSS l- oR Pure Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery," Per-fumery," Toilet Articles. Etc." ' (Perccriptio-s CaifvZv fuei Ixi all ncii-vs. W. 5. DALTON, Manager; MRS. I. 13. BRTINEL. Tre-p a .-" JL J - & w & . -ZZ' f 1 I '' , fr p AGENTS FOR AoOrn, Teoumseli And Home Comfort stoves and ranges utah:stove & hardware co . and First uUi, fefelTHE CONSOLIDATED Implement Co. DENTIST. icarFIRST-CLASS WORK.-tS-s BENTtE TREATMENT GUARiNTEES. MANTI, - - - TCAU TUTTttE & STAGEY, lire 'insurance. MANTI - - " UTAH Authorized Agents for tie fo! lowing Uompamc-s : J Etna of Hartfor. rTnHfr.nl nf ITirifnTcl Cantinental of N. Y. Homn of New York Columbia of Portinnd, Ohio.- ; Henrie & Richards, STONECUTTERS AXD CARVERS. ' A Specialty.-. Cut Rock Fronts for BuikliiVg Neai-ly Neai-ly Executed. ' Two blocks West of dowry's Store, Manti J fcv . Somothing . New . Shipler's Satin - PIIOTOGRAPUS Finish Hav no $3 to 4 per dozen. ' eqnfd Hooper Bloefe, First Ronth, .between i Main and State streets. Salt I4i'8 City. '--"' UTAH BO.OK"0 STATIONERY COMPANY. 72 Main Straat - Salt Uaka City Manager. Toys, - Dolls And other goods for ibe Holidays, io addl tion to a full line of Books and Stationery 11 I Are still in the lead with WHITMAN HAY PRESSES 4k Full circle, all steel, guaranteed to bale one ton per hour. No! Breakages and No Delays iss Brown's Patent Bob Sleds Four sizes, the best EOBS made. We always carry a full stock of WAGONS, BUGGIES and FARM IMPLEMENTS. Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, LoganJ and Miiford, Utah; apd Idaho Falls, Idaho. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. |