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Show A Suicide. ' Jens C. Peterson, of ili.Pleasaat, com-, mitted suicide by banging him elf last Saturday. Mr. Peterson was about 70 years of age and has lived In Mt, Pleas-for Pleas-for the past fifty years. For some time past hia health has beea poor and he was subject to lits of despondency. His wife was tip town and was gone about an hour and on her return she missed him and immediately Instituted a search. He wa3 found in the chicken choop just as he was expiring. Standing Stand-ing on the gfound be placed his neck on a rope than was tied, across the chicken coop in such a position as to compress the windpipe, so that he could not breathe. He held himself in this position till discovered and the eparks of life took flight before assistance arrived. |