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Show SUMMONS, Jo the J uasiee'B Court, Manti Precinct, Sanpete San-pete county, Utah territory. O. F. Coof.4ne, plaintiff, vs Ole Mailwn, defendant, summon.. The people of the territory of Utah send erect lag to Ole Madsen, defendant. 1'ou are required to appear in au action brought agaiust yon hy the above named plain tiffin the justice's court, ot Uantl precinct, Sanpete county. Utah Terrltorv, and to answer before the Justice at Ills office in said Manti precinct, the complaint fllei therein, within flye days, exclusive of the day of service, after thesernceou yon of thlssummons if aetvei. within the precinct In which this action is brought, or if eeryed out of said precinct, but in said c.unty, within ten days, otherwise within twenty days The said action is brought to recover from yon the sum of $4 i.-li as principal on a certain promissory ante dated July 25th, 13S9 due fortydas afterdate, with interest at the rte ofen. andane fonrth percent per monih from Also for the sum of (US.00 as principal oat certain promissory Bote dated February lith 1092, dnealx months after date, w.th Latirest at the rate of one and one fourth per cent per month till maturity and two ser cent per month after maturity. Also for the aum of $51. SO principal on an account for money loaned ana gooeU and raer-cnaniee raer-cnaniee sold and delivered, to you by tbe plain tiff at Manti city, Banpete county, Utah, be tween the 20th days of Veblniary and the 0th day f Julv, 1892, at your request, aad interest on the same at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the aaid 20th day ot July H92 and for costs of suit, i For further particulars see complaint or file In my onice. And you are herebynotified that Ifyou fail ta I?..aP,F,?in,ilas.wr M lboTe required tb. plaintiff will take Judgement against yon ca th. first cause ot action fertile aum of S3 25 and Interest at the rat of one ana on fourth fS,celitPfr mo?"1 tron the 26th day of July, 1889 And on the second cause of aetion tor the sura of 5145.00 and interert thereon a, stated in said promissory not.. And on the third can., action jar eke torn of J51.S0.r,t Inter-eat Inter-eat tbereon at the rate of eight pe; cent per annum from the 20th day of JolV'lSSJ, 2nd fCT cost Of SUit. ' - ' To tne sheriff or and copstaijleor said county, coun-ty, aweting: Make legal service, aad due return re-turn hereon. . Ulven ondez my asad this 3d day of Sspt 18S. t ... AiiiaiiDjijt TBj;r. J ustlce of the Peace, Manti precinct, Sawesa. coumy.Utaa. Wm K. Reid attorney far plaintiff The above summons is hereby orred published once. a. vraek for aad tftriei 'S period ofone month, aaid publication tcT mence September 10th 1893. com' Justice of the peace atant).j Jg- |