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Show KD1T0RIAL PARAGRAPHS. "Look out dar soman's gwine t' drap." Our Spring City Correspondent is evidently taking a lay oft. The Harrison and Blaine letters have brjen written and we now expect ex-pect to hear from Cleveland. G rover, me deah boy cut it short. Last Monday was Labor day. To-dav is Sullivan day. Utah Star. Oh don't! Bat say, MQo;how much did you lose. Tbe Utah Star has reached our cheese box It is a bright weekly sheet and succeeds the Brighton Record. A. B. Tomson is driving the quill, ' The Uantl Reporter hasn't shown up on our "soap box" (or some time What's, $ne. matter boys. Brig ham City Report. Must get "swiped." We send it as ususal once a week. Now that the great light is a thing of the past aud the great Su li van also a thing of the past we expect to hear that the people are taking a interest in business and politics. Our streets are to be cleared at last, so says the city council. This is indeed most welcome news. For some time past our thoroughfares have been decorated with boulders, etc. in profuse abundance, and this state of things has impressed all visitors with the idea that there was on immense quarry of assort ed stone in close proximity to our beautiful city. The decorations are (to done away with the holes are to Allied up and the bridges repaired. Our streets will then, in their unornamented simplic ity and humble cleanlines8,command the admiration of every beholder. Tbe Brigham City Report sug-guests sug-guests that as many as possible of the Utah editors be at. Castilla on the 24th of the present month. It would be a capital idea to meet there and arrange for a general meeting to beheld in the near future fu-ture say at Salt Lake during the Fair. Nearly all the country editors will be in that city sometime during the exposition. Why not make it a point for all to be there at the same time? An editors meeting would certainly be interesting and instructive, in-structive, and in all probability an organization would be effected.-If effected.-If all, or the majority of the newspaper news-paper men of the territory should visit either Castilla or the Fair on the same day a meeting could be easily arranged, the expenses would be light, and there are none of us so ''hard-up" but what can afford af-ford to donate a few cents to so worthy a cause. |