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Show shall not bear falsa witness against thy neighbour." As to injuring you. Suppose our representative had visited your city ' for the express purpose of soliciting solicit-ing advertisements and had secured several. Would that injure your business as long as the same merchants mer-chants continued to advertise with yon? Suppose the merchants of Manti advertised in your paper, i would that injure us? We believe j not, but on the contrary it would i show that they believe in printer's ink. ' IT STRIKES US " CTC- It strikes us tbat it Is rather a small tuioj for a ptrson pretending to be a newspaper man to come into town and try to injure a comtemporaries business by going to the local merchants and giving them rates on advertising less than be would give the merchants of his own town, especially when he knows he can not get the advettisinix but simp-Iv simp-Iv wishes to injure his' neighbor. Such men are a disgrace to the profession. Entedprise. And it strikes us Mr. Ei terprise that it is- rather a small thing for a per.on pretending to Vian editor to wilfully insinuate thnt which is false . Of course, we do not know to whom you refer but have got a "hunch'' that in ia our representative, representa-tive, who visited your city last week. He visited your city in the intereFts of this paper but did not "try to iiijure contemporary's business by going to the local merchants mer-chants and giving them rates on advertibing b-ss thct he would give tbe citizens uf his own town" but of-fcredthem of-fcredthem exactly the same rute,and what is more, you know i;. However How-ever if a person ptetendi.ng to be a newspaper aian has treated you as eay. he certainly in a dijgrace to tbe profession, but ifyou mean to in-eit.uate in-eit.uate that our representative act ed in that, manner you do him an injustice and trustiug that, you are a i:'ritiail we call your attention j the nincth' torn msnd '"lent; "'Thou |