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Show . Idoct vs.9 followed np by the crowd rro-, rro-, coi ding to thy front entrance of the theatre whfru IIih different iUgs wura coirjpicnc-usly displayed and tearing down the siiirs and s'.rlpan, which they diacgfid down U:e . street. Whou a policeman was asked to arrest the uiau who had pulled down tha" flag the con-stable con-stable refused and replied it was a pity they had not pulled them nil down. A thrilling and exciting scene took place at the performance of the "White' Squadron" in Montreal Monday night. The play is highly -patriotic and is an American drama by J. W. Harkins, and was taken to that city by A.. V. Pearson, and company of Kew .York, The company com-pany coaimeuced a week's engagement at the Queens theatre before a. .large audience. Everything went smooth until the third act, which repressMs congresj; navies .at R oV Brazil. . The flags of the different nations were en-tbosistlca!Iy en-tbosistlca!Iy cheered qntil the squad carrying the stars and stripes appeared when It was hissed from the galleries.. At the. end of the act the" players- were called before the curtain auA when HU-Hard HU-Hard was responding and the American admiral appeared there were renewed hisses and eomebody In the' gallery threw a mifile at him. This disgraceful con |