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Show (So. 14S3.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OfBo. at Salt Lake City, Utah. August 18tih, 103. Notlcels beteby given that ihe following-named following-named settler has Bled notice of his intention to maae final proof in support of hi. claim, and that Bald proof will be made before the Clerk of the County Court of Sanpete county. Utah, at Manti Utah, on Saturday Oct. 1st, 189i viz: George D. Peacock Jr., guardian of the person and estate of George D. Peacock, ineane Homestead Entry Mo. 7125, for the E X W v and S W H Of S W V, Section 8 Twp, 18 S R 3 E. He names the following witnessess to prove hie continuos residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Fraoklin W. Snow, Alfred E. Peterson, Niels C. Christensen, George Peacock, all of Sterling. Sterl-ing. Sanpete county Utah. BirdiLowe. Frajiid. bobbs, Attya for applicants Register 7 -t 13. |