Show COALVILLE POULTRY PLANT ORDERS BABY CHICKS at the annual stockholders meeting of the Co alvilla alville cooperative poultry company recently a board of directors con consisting sistina of lawrence wright W M boylen boyden dr F J rees P H neeley and david sharp was selected at the meeting it was also decided to purchase for april 1 delivery day ay old chicks to add to the present hock flock of chickens in the plant and to build a large brooder coop to augment the buildings already in use it was reported that the association cia tion which is a community undertaking der taking is steadily improving its plant and increasing its facilities for handling more chickens each year the plant is the object of many visits from interested poultry fanciers from the entire state being the first firs t cooperative institution of its kind in utah and lias has been pronounced by poultry experts to be one of the most modern of its kind |