Show U uncle acle S am IP fill fh U health eat th and an d i etien a t simom sim sm iff SIP pip TR V A 4 7 XZ X Z 7 7 at t I 1 lit 7 ae 0 X A old rj N sir 74 outdoor church I S 4 ax az K ii A S ii 1 19 ea 1 P 1 lit AN A VT 3 at r room eadel for DI it U J 5 i WW by ELMO SCOTT WATSON NCE more uncle sam has issued an invitation to his sons song to attend one of the great health aud and citizenship clinics which he has established in various parts of the country now if that word clinic clin le has a somewhat forbidding sound to those who should be most interested in this announcement let it be put 4 this way uncle sam Is going to play summertime santa claus to young america again and Is inviting young americans to enjoy a month of camp life in the great outdoors as his special guests he will pay all the necessary expenses wholesome food uniforms army cots and blankets athletic equipment laundry service and medical attention everything that Is normally used in camp life will be furnished free before he be leaves home the boy will be given a railroad ticket to the camp and his meals en route will be paid for the tame came will be done when lie he returns from the camp to his home all of which Is by way of saying that for the tenth year these popular free nian man bull bill ding centers known as the citizens military training camps are being thrown opeil open to the young manhood of these united states during june july isly and august some young americans between the ages of seventeen and twenty tour four years will have there without cost a month of athletic military citizenship and leadership training under selected army officers and specialists from civil life who are commissioned in the army reserve although they are called military training camps the making of soldiers Is by no means the purpose nor even the chief alm aim of the training no obligation for future military service of any kind Is incurred by those who go to camps the only requirement Is that they agree to stay the full SO 30 days of camp and obey the simple rules of good conduct which prevail there while military training Is a part of the routine of the camps their main purpose as uncle sam sees it Is to develop the manhood of the nation mation by bringing together young men of high and different types from all sections of the country on a common basis of equality and under the roost favorable conditions of outdoor life to teach them cheri the privileges duties anti anil responsibilities bili ties of american citizenship to stimulate the interest of the youth of this country to in the importance por of military training as a belief it to the nation and the individual taking uli training to inculcate self discipline and obedience and to develop these youngsters physically mentally and morally mo raily for that reason former coolidge once called the C 31 T C Q schools in citizenship and with their emphasis upon making these young men better fitted both physically and mentally for their duties as citizens the aptness of the health and citizenship clinics characterization Is apparent the C it T 0 idea goes back to 1913 when the first college training camps tor for officers were organized by gen leonard wood associated with their history too Is the name of that ex es of vigorous outdoor life and robust americanism ican ism theodore roosevelt although leonard wood will always be remembered ns as the father of the 0 SI 11 T C it was the powerful influence of the ex president which aided in 1 the inauguration of the now famous plattsburg Platts burg training camp in 1915 1015 the value of the training given in this camp was strikingly demonstrated when the united states was drawn into the war and hundreds of trained off officers leers the product of the camp were immediately available for the services which were so badly needed I 1 As the result of the lessons learned luring during the world war the he citizens training campa as they nor exist wois west brought into being ID tile tee A t C 74 ar C lifesaving life saving K V K K ii j president hoover commends the it t C al T C to fathers arid and mothers t X 10 THE WHITE HOUSE er washington april 19 1930 1 mr george F james 4 national executive secretory secretary 4 military training Trai camps campi 10 2 a 6 north michigan avenue 5 chicalo chicago 4 4 45 4 my dear mr junes james 10 the citizens military training camps have ful ul v filled through ten en years the pw purpose for which they v were estable established hed they have proved themselves an tv important mean toward physical and moral health in X tho the and it civic welfare in the nation the of young men to devoto a month manth to this training train program prof i am for far better citizenship is in proof of fr 0 goodwill good rood will in the generation rene ration on which will presently J f devolve the maintenance a 0 our social and political 10 ij 4 I 1 commend the citizens camps to all fabere and S mothers mother and to young men of suitable eui tohle aye age in the hope 4 and belief that the camps will show the themselves selves as v r Y 4 useful tn in the futa a a as 5 they have boon bea in the past 2 sincerely youra your A 4 HERBERT HOOVER j 8 K national defense act was passed hy by congress and in ID that same year the military training camps association ot of america an organization made up of men who had them themselves seles enrolled enrol leil in prewar camps in the tour four years from 1913 to 1910 1013 appealed to the war department tor for the establishment of camps for the voluntary training of young men authorized under the file national defense act the secretary of mar the alie late john W weeks approved the request arid and an appropriate item was included in the budget for the next fiscal year when the lie proposal was presented to congress by the affairs committees it was heartily supported by james jagues W wadsworth li chairman of the senate committee and by the late julius kalin chairman of the house committee both of whom remained ardent friends of the camps during succeeding years the first appropriation was sufficient sudi clent for the training of joung men at ten different centers throughout the country the minimum age of admission nas as fixed at sixteen years und and plans were made for a series of three cournos the red the white and blue giving one months training lu in successive she years later the minimum age was nas placed at seventeen n and a preliminary course the basle basic was added congress made the graduates of the last the blue course eligible for examination leading to a commission in tha organized reserves instruction at the camps h Is divided into foa |