Show weber provo D diversion 1 vers 1 on canal dispute satisfactorily settled subject to approval of the state road commission adjustment was reached over differences which threatened to delay construction of the weber provo diversion canal over the kamas bench it was announced tuesday by H S keer chief engineer of the state road department part ment mr kerr accompanied by E C knowlton assistant chief engineer and maurice 1 housecroft bridge engineer made a trip to kamas monday where they met with the surn summit county board and the mayor and councilmen of kamas differences arose over the type ot of bridge structure to be installed for the state highway over the tha diversion canal the te town insisting on steel and concrete structures and the reclamation clarria cla mation tion service and road department contending tor for wooden structures it was decided after the conferences ces that wooden structures would be built at present and latex later when the diversion canal is enlarged or should the standard of th the e road be raised the concrete and steel bridges would be built |