Show ellwood carruth NOTARY PUBLIC COALVILLE UTAH NOTICE sale of estraya state stale of utah ss county of Norg SIo igan lill in the morgan of said county I 1 imp have in lily ID possession posse posses hs ion slon tile following described an which if nut not cla claimed lined and taken away will bo be sold tit at public auction to the highest cili ci li bidder at josrph joseph wales ivales in morgan precinct on oil friday the oth day of december 1021 at the hour of 2 p in description of animals one ona lied ant ani T milte valte Spot spotted teil steer a 0 years hua old branded arrow allow on right lilis bar 1113 combined on oil left ribs two under bits in left ear car upper tilt bit anil and halt half crop in ear car said estraya were vore taken up by me in said aid precinct on the day of no liet by robison sheriff NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior V U S land office at stilt salt lake city utah No 29 1921 NOTICE Is hereby given that albert jt Tui iier ol 01 morgan utah will hl on oil illy ilay 0 1911 J irule Iloine stead entry no ni for IV W section 22 2 UIA rs NW section 28 Town township snip 5 range 4 I 1 nast stilt salt La hakemer keMer lillan lias has filed notice of intention to to bulke car imor to establish claim to the lie land hind above described before the alie cleric of the alio district court nt nl morgan utah on the logli tiny day or Jami bannai Tan nai tiry ia hanics ns na IT A francis of morgan moth 0 S imeln or of morgan SI organ utah loster lester F kirk of devils dei birde utah J S turner oc morgan gan gould n 13 blakely Bl aKeli register NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U S S land office nt at salt lake city utah october 5 1921 NOTICE Is hereby given ghen that james L ivory of devils deals slide utah who on march 15 june 1 28 18 mado original additional homestead estead entries no tor for original lots 89 EIA E sea sue see 4 addition lots 1 2 3 4 5 7 1011 siva SW sli a ma see sec 4 NE 4 seii S S 14 savia S 14 SE 14 section 8 township 8 0 north 5 hast bust salt lake lins bas filed notice not lii ot of intention to make three year proof to establish lish claim to tile the land above aso p described describe before the Reg register lster Ite celver of the U S land office at salt lake city utah on oil the 3rd ard day of december ion 1021 claimant names as witnesses 0 ivory r F ross ivory ar thui that IV burton L royal ivory all of devils slide utah gould A blakely register NOTICE OF publication department of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah october 20 1921 notice is hereby given that ralph balph olsen of Brin iville utah who on september 3 1920 made homestead entry no for NEU NEA S na NW SEU section 14 Town township shil 4 north range 5 east salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to claim to the land above described bed before T J maginnis Magin ms U S commissioner ogden utah on day of november 1021 1921 claimant names aar witnesses louis miller of ogden utah thomas olsen of morgan utah james wilson of ogden utah charles olsen of morgan utah GOULD A BLAKLEY register j estr ad A d 4 d a it aws ue no A christmas special of hart schaffner marx suits priced at 25 and u P that s way below angular prices we re simply disposing of a number of suits in broken lots and sizes 1 they I hey re good stylish up to the second if your size is here its aboney maker ao 0 we VV V V 0 F c 0 I 1 d 11 ca I 1 as hart schaffner amarx marx clothes morgan forgan rv utah NOTICE united states land office salt lake city utah october 14 1021 1921 to ro whon it may concern notice Is hereby given that the state stat of it utah lias has filed in tills this office lists 0 of I 1 lands selected tod by the said state under tinder section 0 6 of the act of congress Con giess approved proved july 10 16 1894 ns as indemnity school chool in innas n d viz serial lots I 1 2 3 4 NW SEiA section S T 1 N K R 4 E salt lake lake meridian copies of sail lists so far as diey they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions have been conspicuously posted in this office tor for inspection by tiny any person interested and by tile the generally genei ally during the period of publication of tills this notice or any time thereafter beafter and before final approval and certify catlon cation under departmental regulations of april 25 1907 protests or contests against the claim of the state to tiny any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes will be received and noted for report to the lie general land office tit at washington D C failure so jo to protes or contest within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of rion min eral character of the tracts and the selections being ot otherwise berwise tree free from objection will be approved by the state could A blakely register NOTICE FOR publication ISOLATED TRACT public land sale department of the interior U S land office at salt lake pity city utah november 1 1021 1921 NOTICE Is hereby given that as erected by tile conini commissioner is loner of the general land office under provisions of see sec 2155 it II S pursuant to the application of thomas albert albeit smith of utah serial no wo we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder but at not less than per acre at A SL on the day of january 1022 next at this ot of zee the following tract of land neja sn sedi section 24 township 1 north 4 east salt lake meridian the sale will not be kept open but will bo be declared closed when those present tit at the hie hour named have ceased bidding the person in making aking the hig lil liest bid will bo be regu required ired to I 1 immediately in ined lately pay to the receiver ilece iver tile the amount thereof any ally persons claiming adversely the above described land and are a ivill iol to file their claims claim or objections objection on oil or before the time designated for sale saie gould A blakely register NOTICE FOR publication ISOLATED ISOLATE TRA TRACT TRAC C T public land sale department of the interior U S land otlee nt at salt Lake CIty utah october 20 1021 NOTICE Is hereby given that us as 1 directed I by the of the general land office under provisions of sec 2455 it II S pursuant to the apall cation cantlon of finest ernest IV B einns vans of suit stilt luke lake city utah serial seral NO ko we will offer ner nt at public sale to the highest lilt lit bidder but tit at not less than por per acre tit lit 30 10 A M on oil the tha of december 1021 1921 next tit nt this office the following tract of land and HP INN IN N sl sease sec 28 township ship 2 north range 4 enit east en it silt salt anke meridian tills this tract Is ordered into the market on oil a showing shoving that tit the greater portion thereof Is mountainous or it too rought for cuti T alie ae solle will not be kept open but w will ile be declared closed those aliel pio elit 11 t the hour named have ceased bidding ing the person making the high est bad will he be required to immediately pay to tile the ll Ile alier celver Ier tile amount thereof kny any IL persons esons clah cl timing clanning ning adversely the e described land nie advised to chri claims lins or objections on oil or before tile tinie time designated design atell for fin tale sale gould A blakely llla koly register NOTICE FOR publication department of the Int erlon U 8 alfill affire on alro lit at salt lake luke city utah november 7 1021 11 NOTICE Is hereby given that homer r F bushman nu sliman tr jr of american fork folk utah ut ili who on oil march 33 1020 mailo homestead entry no 02 1679 for wa W N aa N E 14 8 sva y va N nei L ai X NW I 1 V 8 SEU 1 1 14 S gia 12 SEU section 12 township 7 north 3 east stilt silt lake meridian has filed notice not ici of intention to make three year proof to P establish claim to the land libove described be before I 1 belver U S laud land office tit nt salt lake city utah on oil the ath day of december 1021 claimant names fis as witnesses jesse green of Anier lenn fork arnal un on green of ulah binti daniel aften of utah john IL 11 of huntsville utah gould A blakely DIn kely lt egIster NOTICE united liml office salt lake caty ity etab october 20 1121 to i whom it mily iny concern notice Is hereby given that tile state of liny has tiled filed in tills boffl ca 11 lists t s of lands selected i by tile sad state st under klar section G of the act of congress approved july W lop 1801 as indemnity school viz lz serial no 0 IN H va neva nwe nuit NE S E 1 neva NW an NM L 4 sr seia 4 N awil 1 I NE 1 I S SW IV 1 14 SE SEN SW NU seia 1 slab SU section 20 Town 1111 I 1 north range 4 vast east salt lake Mer follan coples copies of solid said lists so tar far as they re i late elate to stilt tracts by descriptive subdivisions have been beell coil conspicuously posted lit in alti i office tor for inspection InsPect lon by uny ally person interested and by the public 9 11 e r t I 1 II 11 y during tile the period of publication of tabi notice or any time thereafter and before final approval and all certification under regulations of april IS 25 1007 protests pio tests or contests against tile the claim of tile the state to tiny any of tile tracts of subdivisions hereinbefore described on oil tile ground eliat tile battle Is more valuable ble for mineral than tor for purposes will hill be received receive and noted for report to the general land office at washington D 0 failure so to protest or contest within tile time thile specified will be considered sufficient clent evidence of non mineral diameter character of the tracts and th alie selections g thereof being otherwise free from objection will be approved to the state gould A 31 lakely register Ke gister NOTICE united states land office salt lake city cl ta utah october 0 1931 1021 to whom it slay concelo Conc eln n notice is hereby given that tile the state of utah has filed in this office lists of D f lands selected by the said state ll 11 under I 1 I 1 section 0 of the act of congress approved july ic 10 as indemnity school S lands viz serial no lots 1 2 3 4 0 5 0 7 30 10 11 20 section A I 1 township 2 north range 3 ast lots lotse 3 4 5 5 0 11 12 13 14 section 31 I 1 Iown lp 3 north bange I 1 east salt lehe meridian copies of said lists so far ns as they relate to gilld tracts by descriptive subdivisions have hm e been post eil ed in tills this office for inspection by tiny any person interested and by the ilie public generally the period of publication of this notice tor br any time thereafter and before final approval mid end certification under departmental regulations ot of 1 AI I ril 25 protests or contests against 1110 claim clafin of the state to tiny any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the same Is more valuable for mineral ral than for agricultural gri cultural purposes will be received and noted tor for report to the general land and office at washington D U C failure SO BO to protest or contest in the time specified will be considered cons cot sufficient clent evidence of non mineral of the tracts and the selections ther thereof coi being otherwise froc free from froin objection will be approved to the state coll gould A blakely ni akely register ne gister IV A 1 I I 1 STEW HOT for work meet me at johnsonis John place all fancy dishes and drinks NAME YOUR CHOICE we cater to the tastes of all our meals meala are all of high quality well cooked and served in the best manner meals at all hours HA 1 I and confectionery MEALS m AT ALL HOURS agent for the famous J R watkins products I 1 cover I 1 the e counties coun fies every 60 days COALVILLE UTAH r SAW LEY BROS ua A first class domestic coal FOR SALE SAWLEY BROS EAST COALVILLE so southside South side store HOME OF w 0 ar e t S cm groceries no U 1 M L e ue r i e s gilbert francis proprietor watch us grow J ECHO U CANYON GARAGE fully equipped to handle hand leall all kinds of automobile and blacksmithing work AUTO SUPPLIES AND accessories GASOLINE IT OILS and GREASE H FEE AIR general repair work 0 our ur specialty SAM COLLINS SON ilu ECHO UTAH coalville Co alville opera lippera house R 1 1 4 we please everyone from 6 to 90 i always A good god show here every tuesday and saturday nights |