Show SMALL HOUSE FOR CHICKENS new Lur lumber riber will make best appearance but packing boxes will answer purpose well in building a poultry house new lumber will of course make the tha best appearing structure and will also be somewhat easler easier to work up because it can be bou bought gilt in lengths most advantageous for the purpose houses for a few hens can sometimes jia be constructed from packing boxes while used material or secondhand second hand lumber it if it can be purchased che cheaply billy and la Is close at hand will sometimes lower the cost ot of the house materially occasionally also where a high board fence Is available the house can be built in the lie corner of the feree fence t thus hus saying saving the construction or of the hack back and one side of the house hous care must be used to cover cove r or batten tile the cracks either by means of strips or by the use of roofing paper construct the building so that the front of your henhouse will admit the sunlight send to the division of public publications a thonol united states stales department of Airi agriculture cul for bulletins containing plan anil and illustrations farmers bulletin la is a good one to have on hand |